Chapter #9

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Kalika: *wakes up and says really fast* Yesterday was a blasting day. I had a really crazy dream. We all had a job. We made a pumpkin monster into a pumpkin pie and other things. Me and Evan made 3 new dragons. I also met Nagisa-kun and his sadistic friend. I also met a tsundere carrot. We became friends. Then I reached home. The whole house was sparkling clean. Then the moon blasted. Only 30% was left. 70% of the wizards' powers vanished. Most of them were celestial wizards. We all were safe and then I passed out.

Oh right, it really was real then. That means they have school today.

Yassssss!!!!! I finally get a break from them. _(_^_)_ *sigh*٩( 'ω' )و

It's 5 am. I woke up and got ready in 1 hour. Since I had to bath.

It's around 6 am. They gotta reach school at 7:55 am. So, if I wake them up now it will be best. I went to the boys' room, this time they all woke up with out screaming or anything!!!!!.

*gasp* The moon blast really has its effects. That too a strong one.

I motioned Evan to wake Isha up. He went without any complains. Kavya was getting off of his bed too. I didn't have to say anything.

This was teally unbelievable!!!!. I rubbed my eyes and also pinched my self to know if it was real. It really was real!!!! And it hurt! (*´ч ' *)

Now that they are getting ready for their school. I'll make breakfast for everyone. *sigh* (。-_-。) When will my school start?

Today I'm gonna make butter pancakes for breakfast. As for their lunch..... ԅ( ˘ω˘ ԅ) tada~

They got ready quick. Isha isn't here. I guess she'll be having some problems with her clothes. We all ate our breakfast in peace for once. Which was a big miracle. (°o°)

I spoke too soon.... Kavya spilled the milk again.. *sigh* more work...
m( __ __ )m

*cleans the milk* _(-_-'_)⌒)_

*mutters* Stupid people, always making me do everything...

I went to prepare their lunch. They still have 1 hour and 12 minutes left. Grr... Leave fast!

I gave them all a spare key of the house. There were 9 keys with us. One for each.

As for the extra one I kept it on top of the door. So that, if any one of us loses this key they can use that one.

Ah~ finally.... The lunch is ready. We all took our lunch boxes and went out.

I feel like I'm forgetting something or more like someone.

Some one?

I locked the door. We just got out of our house, and I heard a shout from inside the house.

????: Oi!! Open the door!!!!! 😠

Huh? Who do you think was it? Is it a thief?! Nuuuu! I need a broom quick! I'll make sure that the thief will never steal any thing from anyone!

After a few seconds, the realization hit me pretty hard on the head.Σ(・ิ¬・ิ)

I forgot Isha and locked her inside. (¯―¯٥)

Kalika: Gomen!!! (。•́︿•̀。) *bows*

Others: *Laughing hard*(ಥ﹏ಥ) *Evan falls*

I quickly went to the door and unlocked it. The sight was pretty funny though.

Isha was wearing a gown. A big, puffy, yellow gown.👚👗

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