Chapter #6

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Hi minna-san

Sorry I can't update regularly b'coz of school. I'll be writing the story when ever I'll be having the time.


Kalika: Don't forget to......

Evan: Vote and....

Kavya: Comment

Isha: And Author-san doesn't own any characters except Kalika yet.

Let's continue the story......

°•.(^_^).•° ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The next morning~
6 am.

Kalika's POV

I woke up at 6 am and I was suppose to wake up Evan too.

As I went near Evan to wake him up. I saw the most KAWAII thing ever in my life.

What I saw was a Kavya and Evan hugging a stuffed bunny and sleeping together.

I silently went to my part of bed and took out my camera.

I took the camera and started clicking pictures. Then I was just about to keep my camera then I saw the most funniest thing in my life.

I took out my video camera and started recording.

The funny thing was An Isha who was sleeping and drooling on her orange paper and was mumbling things about Kavya. (;一_一)

I'll show this to her later on.

Oh yeah, I just remembered that I had to wake Evan up.

I quickly went to Evan and tried to wake him up. Note the word 'tried'. He started mumbling things.

Evan: Let me sleep....... 5 more minutes mom......

He just wouldn't wake up. I guess his sleeping pattern has changed since we came here. And WHO IS HE CALLING MOM!!!! Then a brilliant idea came to me.

Kalika: That's it!!!!! Why didn't I think of this before!!!!!

I took his phone along with his ear phone. I connected it and searched for a metal song.

Wow he has lots of metal songs. Oh wait I remember this song. This one is a really loud one.

I kept the ear phones on his ears and then made the sound to 9. And then I started the song. The first part of the song has gun shots.

Bang Bang Bang Bang

Its startled Evan.

Evan: What the hell?!!!

Kalika: *smiles innocently* good morning. Now if ur done sleeping we need to cook food.

Evan: Oh ya, I almost forgot. *glances at Kavya* Pfttt....... *trying to stop laughter*

Kavya was drooling a lot. Evan took his phone and clicked a pic too.

I can't wait to show them the pic of them drooling and hugging each other in their sleeps.

So there was only one bathroom and that too it was broken because of the fight yesterday.

So, we both had to go to a bath house.

We took our clothes brushes and money. Then we left the house. There was an awkward silence so I thought of breaking it.

Kalika: So, which school will you be joining?

Evan: I guess I'll be joining Ouran High School. With Isha and Kavya.

Kalika: But isn't that a school for rich kids only???

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