Chapter #7

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Today is the day when I'll start my training. Oh, I completely forgot to say that Mirajane will be teaching me teleportation, telepathy and transformation. I got quickly shot up and went to the bathroom. I got ready and was thinking of a plan to wake Evan up.

Kalika: I could do that today! *takes the phone of Isha and a speaker and goes to their room*

I went to the boys' room and I plugged the speaker and connected my phone with it. But before I start doing so, I try to wake them all up. Note the word tried

Like yesterday Evan didn't wake up
And Kavya too. But Kuroko woke up with out muttering any curses and his bed head lol.

You all must be thinking why is he still here right? That's because it takes less energy to summon him and lots of energy to send him back. He takes even less energy than Nicola. He even have less presence and shows very less emotions.

Now I signaled him to go get ready. When he got out of the room then I started the favorite song of Isha and the song which gives us nightmare.

JB's Boyfriend.

Before starting the song I took a deep breath. Shivers went down my spines. And I pressed the play button. When it started Kavya and Evan screamed like girls.

I pointed them to get out and said to wake Isha up. While me and Evan will cook.

After breakfast I had to join a school and there was a school that I really wanted to go to.

Konegigaoka Junior High

The entrance exam starts around 9:30 am and now its 7:30. 2 more hours left.

With that I took my stuffs and started to revise the things written in the book. 1 hour later we went to the place where I am suppose to give the entrance exam. If I don't get selected here then I'll go to Teiko. Which is tomorrow.

3 hours later.°•.•°.°•.•°.°•..•°.°•.

When the examination finished most of the people were sweating hard while some of their hair were damaged and looked like they came back from dead or something.

It wasn't that bad to me except history. I did some mistakes too. Hope I get selected. I spotted Kuroko right outside the crowd.

Kalika: Let's go Kuro-kun. What's there? *points at the crowd*

When I and Kuroko went in the crowd. I was shocked, the sight in front of us was hilarious. I took out my phone and clicked the picture.


The sight was: There were some ugly, gross looking boys on Isha's feet begging her to go out with them. Then there was a scared Kavya and Evan hugging each other while the ugly, gross girls who caked their faces with makeups were surrounding them and clicking their pictures and saying how cute they looked.

They actually don't even look cute. My Olaf is much and far cuter than them.

The girls were getting out of hands so were the boys. First they ask to go out with them then They even said let's get married. But they crossed the limited line and made Isha super duper angry by saying 'let's get married and then we'll go to (random place) for our honeymoon. Then we'll have 32 kids and blah blah blah.'

          With that Isha picked up and carried the two idiots while I and Kuro-kun were running for our lives.

         We ran to our home. I kept my things and went to the guild with the others.

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