"What the about the microscopic island is where we're going to camp" Sissi asked her.

"If you think that small wait until you see the rubber dinghies" Mrs. Hertz tells her looking at her.

All the students get on a raft and go on the lake paddling.

"I was afraid of this I can't get a signal here, I won't be able to access the supercomputer" Jeremy tells the others.

"Don't worry, for the time being I could still call out" Aelita tells him, grabbing her phone. "I'll tell Yumi" Aelita says.

At the school

"Rats, the factor of minus X was the right answer looks like I'm in for another lousy grade" Yumi says looking through her math book, hears her phone ring. "Inferno here everything okay in paradise" Yumi asked.

At the lake

"Not really, Jeremy can't seem to get online, you're going to have to check regularly to see what's happening on lyoko" Aelita tells Yumi.

At the school

"You've got to be kidding I've got a huge French test in five minutes and... hello" Yumi says, hearing no answer back.

At the lake

"That's it I've been cut off, but I think she got my meaning" Aelita tells Jeremy and Harry.

"Are you sure" Jeremy asked her.

"Knowing Yumi I'm pretty sure" Harry tells him.

At the school

"Hurry up Yumi" a girl said to her.

"Be right there, I got to um go to the bathroom" Yumi tells her, runs off.

At the lake

"Remember to pitch your tents very carefully because if you don't the smallest gust of wind poof done in a cup, actually that reminds me of when I was living in Teepee in the desert near New Mexico" Jim tells everyone.

"Jim this might not be the right time" Mrs. Hertz tells him.

"You don't know what you're missing Suzanne" Jim tells her. "Anyway I want you all to read the instructions for the setting up of your tents before you start, if you don't want to find yourselves up the creek without a paddle, now get going" Jim tells the students.

All the students grab bags that have their tent stuff in.

Ulrich looks over at Odd. "Do you know how to set this up" Ulrich asked him.

"Yeah sure, no problem follow the instructions just tell her if you need any help" Odd tells him walking away.

"Thanks a lot"Ulrich says looking at his thing.

"Ulrich honey, I thought maybe we could pitch our tent side-by-side so we can talk together tonight" Sissi says to him.

"Sorry Sissi, but I didn't come camping to gossip or talk about clothes, I'd rather sleep" Ulrich tells her walking away.

"Hey Sissi well I would be glad to set up my tent next to yours for tonight" Herb says to her running over to her.

"Sure Herb" Sissi says to him.

"Really there, let me know when you set it up" Sissi tells him walking away.

Jeremy is on his laptop, while Aelita and Harry finish up putting up the tent.

"There's nothing we can do, without a connection it's totally useless lets just hope that Xana doesn't take advantage of it" Jeremy says to them.

"Relax Jeremy Yumi is watching for us" Aelita tells him.

the final round #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now