Update about Updates

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Apparently, someone took offense to an image I posted with this original update. The picture was flagged as one of self harm. In actuality, it was soy sauce and edamame that was thrown over me in a fit of rage from my ex husband. Who said "at least I didn't touch you this time". If anyone has any concerns, just know that I have very much moved past it. I am currently pregnant and I have an amazing boyfriend who is both handsome and extremely sweet. Plus, my parents love him and I couldn't be happier.

Hello everyone who may possibly pick up my book in hopes of finding a read worthwhile. I am updating about updates because... I just don't have time to be writing. I haven't had a lot of time since I got married over a year ago.

I have even less time because of my job. I work in automotive sales at a dealership. Let me tell you, if you need a little advice on what to do when buying a vehicle comes into play, you can private message me for details. I at least have a little time for that.

Onto something I want every young woman to hear.

Don't be a victim. Right now, I'm married to a man who does not embody what a husband is supposed to be. At first it was great. We had fun and we had a lot of "special fun" together.

It's another reason I don't write and read as much. I just feel too stressed out because this man has changed. Or maybe, he pretended to be what I wanted.

What I want to say is, he lied to me. He is not who I wanted and he has put his hands on me.

But I refuse to be a victim. He has not been able to convince me to stop talking to the people who care about me. My parents and friends know. He tries to blame me for ruining his reputation. He is the one that ruined it by being the way he is.

I have a support system in place. I have a plan of action in order to leave him. I will do so when the time comes, no matter how much it may hurt either of us.

He is not ready to be a husband or a lover. He is not affectionate and he is not kind. He actually got mad at me because I was talking to the dog and not listening to him during a break in his talking. He threw edamame and soy sauce all over me a few weeks ago. And scratched my face up the time before.

Why? He threw edamame on me when we got into an argument over him throwing my kindle away.
He scratched my face because he doesn't like me raising my voice and wanted me  to shut up.

I've put up with his harshness for way too long. At first, he was just frustrating and  would break things. Then, he began grabbing my face and covering my mouth and squeezing my nose so that I could yell at him.

We have gotten into fights while he was driving because he refused to stop driving without a license. He has broken my glasses and moved my contacts so that I couldn't leave as I'm blind without them.

I have safeguards in place now. I refuse to let him continue in this manner. He has a psychiatric appointment in a few days and hopefully will become less volatile.

The next wrong move he makes, I will be gone.

Any woman or girl that reads this, there are ways out. The first step, don't be silent. My husband had tried to separate me from talking to my family about his actions. He doesn't even like me talking to my best friend about it. This is no way for me to live.

It is no way for you to live.

If you feel threatened, listen to me. The only way you can prevent the abuse, is by refusing to let them abuse you. If they touch you, it had already begun.

They will make you doubt yourself. They will try to separate you from your family so you will not know the truth. They will place doubt in your mind that what they did was your fault. Maybe they will say that you hit them first and  that's why they hit you. Maybe they will try to make you feel crazy. It happens.

I'm going through some crazy stuff right now. Anyone who reads this and needs a shoulder to cry on, I am more than happy to be that shoulder.

I'm going through the abuse as we speak. I bear the scars of childhood neglect and abuse, but it could never prepare me for what I'm going through now. I have support, and that is all that is giving me hope.

 I have support, and that is all that is giving me hope

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