Ariana: They found it

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Chapter 11: They found it


My heart dropped a little when both our houses came into view. Harry and I were walking home again, since Harry didn't have a car. I didn't mind though. Walking meant more time spent with with Harry. He had slowed his gait a bit so I didn't have to freaking run to keep up with him, which I was thankful for.

Harry and I were still talking and I haven't been able to talk this comfortably with anyone for ages. Forever maybe.

Sunset had always been my favourite time of day. Day or night, though? It wasn't day but it wasn't quite night either. I think that was my most favourite part about it all. It was neither day nor night and had a mysterious sort of beauty to it.

I couldn't see the sun set due to the fluffy clouds blocking the view, but I could see the sky's reaction. The sky was melting slowly in a stunning mix of warm but strong colours and I didn't care how long I was to live, whether it be just 30 years or 500 years, I would never get over that view. It was breath taking.

I wonder what it'd be like to paint it.

I think I could paint it. I had the right shades of colours, I think. A bit of pink there, blended with that shade of yellow. Yeah. I think I could paint it.

I would paint it, I decided inwardly. Once I got home, I'd run to my escape in the attic and paint the scene of the sun dying for the moon and sleep happily that night.

I was pretty sure it was well over 6:00, and my dad would kill me, but surprisingly I didn't care. I had always been a girl to obey the rules. Funny how my attitude now was more 'fuck that' than ever.

"Thank you."

I smiled up at Harry and he smiled back, a kind, dimpled smile.

"It's alright. Really. Thank you for accompanying me, by the way. It gets a bit tiring, going to Lynn's alone." he said.

"I guess so. But at least you don't have anyone to fight over who'll pay when you're on your own." I replied cheekily.

Harry covered his mouth giggling.

Princess Harry returns.

I giggled too, thinking back to when we were leaving Lynn's.


"You ready to go? It's nearly 6:00 and I kinda don't wanna get murdered by your father today." Harry chuckled.

I nodded and joined in on Harry's laughter. It was impossible not to. His laugh is very contagious and I enjoyed it.

I awkwardly got myself out of the seat. Turned out comfy seats do have their cons. I was drowning in the fluffiness, not reluctantly may I add, and getting out of there was a challenge.

Bring it on, chair.

When I finally got out, fell out rather, I cleared my throat trying to be as cool as possible after falling disgracefully out of a café chair. We strolled to the counter where Lynn was smiling brightly and giving us our bill.

"You're so graceful, Ariana." Harry teased.

Sticking my bottom lip out, I slapped Harry's arm playfully.

"Oh, shut up. I'm about as graceful as an elephant wearing ice skates and you know it."

"That's an insult to elephants."

I gasped jokingly.

"Now you're definitely not paying." I said, emphasizing on the definitely.

Harry stopped laughing and stopped my hand that was going for my purse.

Opposites Attract (Harry Styles/Hariana Fanfiction) | AU fictionWhere stories live. Discover now