Ariana: Can I ask you something?

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Chapter 3: Can I ask you something?


I sat on the slippery lunch table, eating a cereal bar slowly while totally engrossed in a book. As per usual. I got the table to myself, which I was relieved with. People who ask why I'm reading at lunch piss me off. I was just getting to the incredibly interesting part when Harry slipped into the seat next to me, loudly landing his giant ruck sack on the table. Not that I minded much, anyway. This was Harry we were talking about.

"Sorry. My bag's far too big to put on the table properly." He chuckled, flustered slightly, his green eyes shining.

I laughed too and continued to read my book. From the corner of my eye, I saw Harry edge towards my book, looking under to try and see the cover.

"The Fault In Our Stars. John Green." I answered shyly, lifting the book up to show him the cover.

"Woah, can you read minds or something?" he asked.

"I wish." I answered giggling.

I put my book mark in my book and started to pack my shoulder bag when Harry put his large hand on mine stopping me. I felt the warmth of his hand warm mine and it felt...nice. A good nice. A really good nice.

"Wait for me. Louis left me to go sit with his girlfriend and I didn't wanna make it awkward for them so I sat next to you because you're the only other person I know. And if you leave me, I'll be lonely and sad." He said, childishly.

I sat back down and looked at him smiling. Should I ask him? I'm worried he will say no, though. Oh, screw it, I'll ask him.

"Umm, can I ask you something?" I asked quietly.

His eyes suddenly went bright and he leaned in closer, nodding.

"We're doing an art project and I need a partner to work with. Can you-I mean, if you'd like to- It's your choice, but-"

"I'd love to be partners with you." He announced, smiling reassuringly.

I breathed out jokingly and pretended to wipe sweat off my forehead, and heard his beautiful chiming laugh again.

"What is it about?" he asked.

"About your partner. You have to make a piece of art that sums them up."

"Well, since we don't know each other very well yet, why don't we get to know each other first? Can I take you out somewhere on Saturday? Umm, 2 o' clock? Please? For the project, of course." Harry said, rubbing the back of his neck.

2:00 on Saturday was going to be an exceptionally great time for me.

"Course. For the project." I said, running my hands through my hair and nodding firmly.

We smiled at each other again and I felt the hairs on the back of my neck prick up. This was such a good feeling, feeling happy. I wasn't too familiar with this feeling, but I liked it. A lot.

"Do you like the school so far?" I asked  trying to engage some sort of conversation with him.

Like I said before, I don't like talking much, but with Harry it felt alright. He had something about him, something about how he leaned in to hear me and smiled at me when I finished my sentence and answered with enthusiasm.

"Oh, it's better than the one in Cheshire. You wouldn't believe the quantity of dickheads if I told you..."

He went on about his old school, old friends, old enemies and his misbehaving. I didn't mind at all. Harry had a good voice for talking. I could listen to him all day without being bored one  little bit. We laughed together when he told me something funny and I loved laughing with Harry. 

"Can I ask you something?" Harry questioned.

I nodded and sipped some of my water.

"Can I see your phone?" he asked.

I looked at him weirdly but still gave him my blue iPhone. I didn't have a password, so he was able to unlock it and I saw him shake his head at it in disappointment.

Was it because I had a picture of my cat, Merida, and me as a home screen wallpaper? I didn't look ugly in it, did I?

"There's something wrong with your phone, Ariana." he said, looking at me dead serious.

"What? It works perfectly fine." I said.

I was still very confused.

"It doesn't have my number in it." he smiled, winking at me.

I giggled and slapped his arm playfully. Harry put his number into my phone and noted my number into his BlackBerry.

"Thank you." I said quietly.

"No problem." Harry smiled.

My lunch hall was almost empty now, it was just us two and another boy who was still eating his lunch.

"I need to go." I said, suddenly and quietly.

Harry looked at me in confusion.

"Was it me? Did I say something? I really didn't mean to say anything to you. I'm really really sorry, honest-"

"Harry." I laughed. "It's not you, it's just that it's the next class in 2 minutes."

Harry went red and oh gosh he looks adorable when he's embarrassed.

"Until next time then?" he asked getting up as well, picking up his overly large bag.

"Until next time." I confirmed.

He was close to me, our arms brushing against each other gently and I was looking up into his jewel like eyes. Harry looked down at me and smiled.

"Bye." he said quietly.

I waved my fingers at him and strolled away towards the door smiling at the ground. A real genuine smile. A warm fuzzy feeling of happiness inside me.

Harry makes me happy, I thought, as the bell rang for the next class and I pushed my curls back.

Harry makes me happy.

A/N: Hiya! Hope you liked this chapter! Comment what you think and don't forget to vote! Love you alllllll

- Carmen xx

Song Of The Day: Give Me Love - Ed Sheeran

'It's been a while

But I still feel the same.'

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