Ariana: Showing pain was showing weakness

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Chapter 5: Showing pain was showing weakness


I sighed dreamily as I finally closed my book. I was currently in the library and I had tears streaming down my face over how beautiful this book was. Everyone needs an Augustus Waters in their life. I wiped my tears and stroked the last page lovingly. I couldn't remember how many times I had read the book, but I still cried just as much, if not more, every time.

Strolling out, I smiled at Mrs Duncan, our librarian and holding the book firmly between my fingers, I went out of the school door. I would take my time. I'm not rushing for anyone.

"Until next time." I murmured to the school building, then broke out in a huge smile because that was the last thing I had said to Harry.

Harry. I wonder if he could be my Augustus Waters?

Stupid, I thought to myself, no one would want to date the geek.

Suddenly, two clammy hands came behind me, one grabbing my mouth and the other tightly dragging me to the side of the school building.

She threw me against the brick wall and, hell, it hurt. But I refused to show it. For reassurance, I closed my fingers tighter around my book, so tight I thought about how the pages would be dented.

Lia Evans. Of course it was her. She took her hand off my mouth and held both my arms firmly, surely leaving bruises. I struggled and tried my hardest to get out of her grip. Lia kneed me the stomach hard and I clutched it and the book as I fell to the ground. Tears were pricking my eyes and I blinked them away. I refused to show any sign of pain. Showing pain was showing weakness. Weakness showed you surrendered, and I could never surrender.

"What do you want! I gave you my lunch money and I stayed out of your sight. Leave me alone!" I shouted up at her.

Lia sneered and yanked me up by my collar. I kicked and thrashed my legs everywhere, getting her in the groin once too, but she only pressed my back harder against the wall. Her group were close behind now, surrounding me.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, huh? Do actually think he likes a dumb fuck like you? You're worthless, do you hear me? Harry doesn't like you. He likes me. Get that in your head, Fernandez."

"Harry doesn't like me, alright?" I said quietly, saying my earlier thoughts out loud.

"But you like him don't you?" She snarled, kneading my in the stomach again.

I shrieked in pain and I couldn't help myself. She scoffed and yanked my hair up so I would stand up again.

"Stay away from Harry. He's mine, do you hear me? Mine." she hissed, tugging on my hair harder as she did so.

Lia was making me even more angry by talking about Harry. She didn't deserve him at all. She treats every guy like a game and I would not let that happen to Harry.

"Harry isn't an fucking object, okay? You can't do that. You're just greedy for Harry because you want to screw him and leave him like a piece of garbage. You're a fucking sket, Lia." I shouted loudly in her face, not caring how loud I was and how much I was cursing.

Lia sucked in air in anger and threw me across the wall so my head hit the wall. I forgot to hold on to my reassurance and it flew just centimetres past her expensive Doc Martens.  Fuck, my book. She had my book.

"How DARE you, Ariana?!" she shrieked. Her group held me back from her and Lia strutted over to where my book was. My precious book.

"NO!" I shouted, tears now streaming down my face again, "STOP! STOP!"

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