Ariana: Princess Harry

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Chapter 9: Princess Harry


Looking at myself in the mirror for quite possibly the hundredth time, I made my way downstairs after making sure my bedroom and attic door was locked. I had made a short trip to the attic the night before and if anyone found it now, I would be done for. And I couldn't afford to lose it now.

I galloped down the stairs only to hear Harry and my dad's voice ringing from downstairs. I stopped and leaned out over the stair railing to see my dad's tall silhouette blocking the light from the doorway.

"I told you, I do not permit you to go out today with my daughter."

"But, sir-" Harry's thick accent pleaded.

"Dad." I interrupted.

Both of them turned around to look at me, Harry with a great big smile and my dad with quite the opposite. I ran down the rest of the stairs quickly and stood by my Dad at the door.

Oh, crap.

"Ariana, go to your room. You are not going out with this boy."

Harry scowled at the word 'boy'. Before he tried to protest against it, I opened my mouth to talk. If Harry said anything we would definitely not be allowed to go.

"It's not a date, Dad. It's for school work. We have to research something for, umm, science." I blurted out quickly.

Harry looked confused at my lie. Ok, I'm not the best at lying but my Dad would hate it even more if I told him we're going out for an art project.

Dad sighed and rolled his eyes.

"How long for?" he asked, eyeing Harry suspiciously, as though he may turn into a crazed rapist any moment now.

"Just for a bit. 3 hours at the most. Perhaps a bit more." Harry answered swiftly.

Dad moved out of the way for me a bit so I could stand there, and looked at Harry as if he was just pondering over how many ways he could kill him.

"I'll give you 4 hours. If you're not back by 6, Ariana, you will be grounded."

There you go. My dad being overprotective again. It's like his life rotates around me not being able to do what I want.

"Fine." I muttered, pushing him by the shoulder, and landing outside on the patio with a crunch of gravel, not even turning back.

Harry waved and closed the door, me not even bothering to say bye to my Dad. This was the worst way possible starting what was meant to be a good time.

I smiled at Harry shyly, my bad mood quickly wearing off.

"Sorry about that. My dad can be so annoying sometimes." I murmured, flicking my hair behind my shoulders.

I half expected him to not say anything and walk back to his own house, but he smiled kindly and took his large hand and put it on my back, around my shoulders.

"It's alright. Don't worry. I wasn't offended- much. I mean, he called me a boy! I'll have you know, I'm as manly as hell." Harry ranted.

I laughed. Phew. He was alright. He didn't hate me. I playfully smirked and poked Harry's arm.

"You are the manliest man I know." I cooed.

He grinned happily then his gorgeous green hues met mine again. I suddenly felt myself getting nervous all over again and just enchanted, I guess that's the word, by him. Harry was very enchanting. Ha. If I told him that, he'd scowl and tell me I was making him appear as a Disney princess, or something. Princess Harry. Has a nice ring to it, I suppose.

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