Harry: I am naturally very flirtatious

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Chapter 10: I am naturally very flirtatious


"Cheers, Lynn." I smiled at her and carefully took the tray with both hands from her pale hands reaching out towards me.

I was known to be very clumsy ( height doesn't come for free, people) and Lynn The Lovely had witnessed the falls of my precious food. She now ensured to very carefully pass the tray over, as if it was a sleeping baby, and that was actually offensive, to be frank. But Lynn was freakin' fantastic ; she didn't make me pay extra for the edibles lying depressed on the floor (though I did anyway) and she was just plain nice to me.

Lynn was in her mid-30's and reminded me of Merida from Brave (kind of) because of her red curly hair and crystal blue eyes. Almost too blue to be real. She was incredibly nice, far nicer than any of the staff at the mainstream coffee shops.

Oh, look at me being all hipster. Please, no flash photography.

"Go for it, yeah? She won't say no to a handsome lad like yourself." Lynn whispered as she disappeared back into the kitchen behind the counter.

Go for what, exactly?

Ohhhhhh. I get it. She meant Ariana. I was just about to get seriously concerned for Lynn's health then. Stupidly, I noticed a growing smile on my face, shook it off, and I strolled towards where Ariana was sitting looking out of the window. It was raining heavily, weird since it was sunny when we got here.

London weather is weird.

"Order up." I shouted, making her jump a little from her comfortable position.

"Stop scaring me!" she protested, laughing and smiling up at me.

I placed the tray down on the old, wooden tables with a bang and seated myself comfortably near Ariana. The seats were in a U shape around the table so we could sit beside eachother. I left a reasonable space between us. Obviously.

"I'm about as scary as a baby penguin, Ariana, get over yourself." I joked and handed her the cup of hot chocolate.

Ariana giggled at me and took the plastic cup politely and took a sip after thanking me.

She was reading something, I realised, leaning over to see her hastily shove her bookmark in. She turned to look at me with kind, brown eyes, putting her book aside.

"Whatcha reading?" I asked, resting my chin on her shoulder.

I got myself ready to get off her shoulder in case she minded, but she didn't seem too. Ariana rested her head on mine and poked one of my dimples, which were the size of freaking Niagara Falls ,playfully and showed me the cover.

Pride and Prejudice, it read.

"Isn't that one of those really boring classics that people go on about?" I questioned.

She furrowed her brows as if I was speaking in fluent Cantonese at that moment.

"It's actually really good." Ariana defended, jokingly nudging her shoulder to get me off.

She smiled, showing me her teeth and beautiful little dimples that if I wasn't so close to her, I wouldn't even have noticed.

"Merida likes sleeping on this book. I don't see why. It doesn't look very comfortable." she giggled in a hushed voice.

I took a large swig from my now nearly half empty coffee cup. Lynn makes amazing cappuccinos. For one dumb moment, I thought she was talking about the Disney princess.

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