Harry: Our group's baby brother

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Chapter 4: Our group's baby brother


Towards the end of my first school day, I was tired already. My shoulders hurt from carrying around my heavy ruck sack, my legs hurt from all that walking around and my head hurt from all that remembering I had to do. I had also got an insane amount of homework. But I still got one homework project with Ariana.

I made a lot of friends, considering it was my first day. Louis (obviously), his girlfriend Eleanor, Niall, Zayn, his girlfriend Perrie, Liam, Calum, Ashton, Luke and Michael. They were already in a group of friends, so being friends with Louis meant I was already in their 'clique'.

Nobody was too sure about Liam though. He was quiet, not a mysterious shy quiet like Ariana, but a slightly dangerous quiet. If that's possible. Which it is since I just explained it to you.

He had a weird way of staring at you, making you feel like you've done something wrong, when you probably haven't at all. Like when you walk out of a shop not buying anything and you can just feel the eyes of people boring into the back of your head thinking you've stolen something, and you remind yourself to act natural, but you always end up walking out looking guilty. That's how Liam made you feel. Guilty.

"You coming, or what, mate? I haven't got all day, chop chop!" Niall shouted from behind me.

"You sound like Mr Irving, Niall. Hold your horses." I shouted back, while packing my ruck sack. Change your fucking bag, Styles. My bag was uncomfortably big for my liking.

By the way, Mr Irving was a PE coach of nightmares, in case you were wondering who he was. I like sports, and even used to play football for my local Cheshire club, but Mr Irving expected everything. Damn, he'd ask Usain Bolt to run faster. Not even constructive criticism, which I wouldn't mind at all, just FLAWS.




Gosh, I hate that man.

We finally walked out of school, and we were one of the last people to leave. You don't realise how happy I was to get out of there. School was better here, but I still hated it.

It was sunny today in London, a precious rarity, and I was enjoying it. There was not a hint of a cloud in the sky, and I felt happy. Content, even.

Niall and I walked the same way home, so we walked together, cracking jokes and laughing. Niall was stuffing his face with Wotsits as we talked.

Now, if there was one thing you should know about me, it's that I hate cheese. Despise, it even. The smell, the taste, even the look of it made me wanna be sick. So, Niall eating cheesy Not-Crisps-But-Somewhat-Involved-In-The-Crisps-Family wasn't very pleasant.

I sighed and fished around in my pocket for a packet of gum. I passed it to Niall.

"Please do me the favour of eating one before talking to me, Niall. Actually, no, take the whole packet, you need it bro. Cheese is disgusting."

Niall turned his head to look at me scornfully.

"Cheesh ish amashing." he protested. I wrinkled my nose and turned my face away jokingly. Niall smiled and ate whatever was in his mouth and tipped the rest of the cheesy dust in his mouth. He took the gum happily with his orange fingers and before taking one, he put it in his pocket and smirked.

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