Ariana: That's why they call it eye contact

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Chapter 1: That's why they call it eye contact


I made my way into my first class. Art. I was giddy at the sight of the used paint pallets, paintbrushes and whole bottles of paint in every shade to use. Art, in a way, was my source of happiness.

Art, and books. I was a massive book freak, and you wouldn't see me anywhere without a book to read. It's not that I don't have a life, I just chose to have many. But my actual life wasn't exactly bursting with adventures and quests. Both my parents couldn't care less about me. It's money and their job they worry about, not me. Not their daughter,or as think of me as, their mistake. But I tried to look past it, think only positive thoughts. Pshh, like that's going to work. I learnt quite quickly that life doesn't work that way when everyone I knew only knew me as weird and shy and a swot. Maybe that's why I loved my hobbies so much, because they've given me more company than actual people ever have. I don't talk to people much, no point. Who's going to listen anyway? I smiled briefly at Mr Monroe, the art teacher and started to make my way to my desk.

"Freak." I heard a familiar voice say as I walked past her desk.

Lia Evans. The girl with the 'cool' posse who's had it in for me since we started primary school together. I looked right past her and gritted my teeth, trying to ignore her. It didn't work. I hate her and she hates me. In fact, despises me. And do you know what, I don't even care. Well, not really.

"Alright class. Simmer down." Mr Monroe, our art teacher, shouted.

I sat on my seat and got my resources out.

"We are starting a homework project today where you need to explore a person's personality and produce a piece of art about them from your point of view. It could be a cartoon, a sketch, anime even a collage. No rude drawings, No offensive drawings and nothing that you know will hurt your partner. You need to work in pairs. No more than two, and I'm looking at you girls." He said, looking over at the group of 3 giggling girls, already deciding on what to do their project on."It's due in 3 months. Right, now that's done with let's start the lesson..."

The lesson itself was quite boring, even though I usually love art. Mosaics weren't my cup of tea. Even so, I listened intently, until he came in.

He stumbled in through the door, black skinny jeans and a plain white t shirt. He had gorgeously thick brown hair which he kept pushed back and a large dimpled smile. He smiled at Mr Monroe and shook his hand, which took Mr Monroe by surprise since no student had ever been respectful enough to do that. He looked around the class and nodded at us, as if he was approving us or something. I don't see why; all the girls were basically eye raping him and the guys made an effort to do their I'm-Way-Too-Cool-For-You crooked smile. Then he turned his eyes at me and smiled. That was weird. He was nice to me. I smiled back and held his gaze for a bit. I felt his kind smiling stare rushing through me until I could almost feel it at the tip of my fingertips. I guess that's why they call it eye contact.

"I forgot to tell you, sorry, that we're having a new student in our school today. Would you like to introduce yourself?" Mr Monroe asked him forcing him to break the eye contact.

Oh. I was enjoying that. The boy cleared his throat and said,

"I'm Harry Styles. I moved here recently from Cheshire and apparently I still have to go to school." He chuckled at himself and I felt myself smiling at him again.

Mr Monroe looked around at the class and stopped looking when he saw me.

"There's a seat over there, by the girl with the blue top. Sit over there please, while we finish this lesson off."

Girl with the blue top? That was me! Before I could even consent, he made his way over to me, and Mr Monroe carried on teaching. Harry swung his bag off and landed it on the table.

"Hi." he said, smiling a warm smile.

I looked at him and met his eyes again. They were a gorgeous green colour, dark olive and a happy twinkle. I nodded and put my attention back on the teacher.

"It's a bit cold here, ain't it?" he whispered.

I nodded absent mindedly, trying my hardest not to get distracted. I mean, yes, he was amazingly attractive, but I'm not going to stop my work to drool at him. Which all the other girls were already doing.

"Why are all those girls staring at me?" he whispered jokingly.

I laughed and shook my head. After a bit, I found him staring at me, which made me flush.

"Can you even talk?" he asked, looking at me weirdly.

"Course." I said. Harry seemed to have been overly happily with my answer, since he got out of his chair and shouted


I couldn't stop myself from laughing like the whole class was  now. Mr Monroe, obviously annoyed, cleared his throat. "


Harry sat down looking sorry and apologised. But when he turned back to me he looked far from sorry.

"What's your name?" he asked softly.

"Ariana."I replied.

"Ariana." he repeated.

I didn't say anything back, afraid I'd say something wrong or stupid. And I was strangely very shy when I was with Harry. Far more shy than usual.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful person." he chuckled.

I smiled sheepishly and I'm pretty sure I was blushing. We stayed silent for a bit and I was idly drawing something on my planner diary.Suddenly, Harry let out a bored sigh.

"You know what man, I am not doing this anymore. This is so boring! I mean, I like art and-WOAH THAT IS AMAZING!" he suddenly shouted between his sentences, that caused me to jump.

His eyes were widened at my piece of paper where I had drawn a sketch of two intricately patterned elephants. I don't see why. I thought I could have done way better, improving it somehow but Harry was amazed. I could tell by the way he looked at it.

"Mr Styles!" our teacher said." I know you are new and everything but I'm sure you know that lessons are meant to be silent unless I say so. One more interruption and you are out of this door, understand."

"Yes sir." Harry said confidently.

"Thanks." I whispered to him.

He smiled at me and then at my sketch.

"You are really talented, you know?"

I smiled at the table shyly. This lesson wasn't quite so boring anymore

Song of the day: Something Great- One Direction

'I want you here with me

Just how I pictured it

So I don't have to keep imagining'

Opposites Attract (Harry Styles/Hariana Fanfiction) | AU fictionWhere stories live. Discover now