Opposites Attract

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She turned her head to face me, eyes looking at mine with curiosity. "Why do you love me? Me, out of all people. We're so different but-"
I cut her off and said with a smile, "In science, opposites attract. And I guess that's what happened with us to."

Ariana Fernandez wasn't of the loud kids. In fact, she preferred books to people and was happy with it. Until, that is, she meets Harry Styles. Harry Styles, incredibly good looks and quite loud but it was just something about her that made him intoxicated. Something about how she proved silence spoke better than words. Something about how she proved opposites attract.

A/N: Hello! Just thought I'd point a few things out before this story starts. Harry isn't famous in this story and One Direction doesn't exist. Ariana Fernandez is played by Ariana Grande just because I thought she fitted best in this story. Enjoy reading!

Opposites Attract (Harry Styles/Hariana Fanfiction) | AU fictionWhere stories live. Discover now