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   I glanced over my shoulder. The  crowd was gone. I continued to walk, meeting a lady at the front desk. She took me to a room.

    Marks POV:

  Hours passed, and Jack was still inside. I turned on my car radio. Twenty One Pilots played. I laid my head back, to hear a knock on my passenger window. I glanced at a tall man, I didn't recognize him. I rolled down the window. "Got a problem?" I asked turning down radio.
   "Are you here with Sean-" He started.
   " Yes, is he the one with the cut on the back of his head?"  I asked, not knowing which Sean he meant. He shook his head yes.  " What about him?" I asked. He must have been Sean's doctor. He placed his hand on the window.
    "Well, we had to put him on pain killers. We gave him staples. He is not allowed in the sun, as the staples will heat up and harm his head. He also is not allowed in water unless it is a bath." He said, tapping my window's pane. He told me they had to knock him out for a little bit. I opened the door.
    "Where is he?" I asked.
     " How are you related to him? I'm not allowed to take you in if you are just his friend." The doctor said.
     "He's my boyfriend. Which room is it?" I asked him speeding up.
     " 305!" The doctor said to me. I ran to the door, the doctor was long gone. I ran up the stairs. I searched for the number. 301. 302. 303. 304.. 305! I entered the room. My boyfriend was laying on the bed. I walked over to him, and sat down in a seat. He was breathing heavily. I closed my eyes. I opened them back up. I felt tears in my eyes, for no reason. I held them back and kissed him. He may be asleep, but I didn't care. THUMP!! A loud thump from the door startled me. I turned. A guy, who looked like a doctor entered. He seemed to be grumpy. I shook my hand, and pulled out my phone. I didn't want to cry so I had to distract myself.
   "Sir, Sean will have to stay the night here if he doesn't wake up soon. He may be in a comma, due to the wrong medicine his doctor gave him." My heart dropped. I wanted to cry.
   " Could I sleep here? Or do I have to go home?" I asked. He pointed to a car, guessing it was mine.
    " You can't stay here overnight. Unless you are his brother, boyfriend, or father you can't." The doctor said. WHY DO I HAVE TO TELL SO MANY PEOPLE HES MY BOYFRIEND?!
    "Uh sir.. he's my boyfriend." I said scratching the back of my head. He brought me a pillow and cover. A small thump was heard down the hall. A door opened. I heard a couple of kids laughing hard. I opened the door. They thumped as hard as they could on the doors and ran to the next. The reach my door. I opened it, and the kid about to knock on it fell to the ground.  "Don't. Mess. With. Me." I said picking up the kid out of guilt. He walked out the door, his friends followed. A girl looked back at me, and winked. What the- OK never mind. I huffed and closed the door. I checked my clock on my phone. 11:00. He's supposed to be awake. The doctor DID say he may wake up tomorrow. I pulled the cover over me. I was done. I laid down, my hand hanging over the side of the chairs.

   I woke up to a small THUMP on the window. It wasn't the outside window.. it was the one above me. I checked it. A young girl, cradling a bear was there.  I was shocked, I opened the door. The girl wore a small robe, which fell to her ankles. A dress was under it. She had blue eyes, which complimented her yellow held up hair. I smiled at her. She ran to me crying. I felt a shiver go down my spine. She hugged me. Did she think she knew me?
   "Sir! My mommy left me here. She no wanted me." She said out of tears. I stroked her hair, calming her down.
   " Is your mother in the hospital?" I asked. She shook her head no. She pointed to a hot pink mustang, pulling out.
    "That's mommy." She said.
    "Where's your dad?" I asked, holding her hands.
     " He died of cancer in 2012." She said holding her arm. Frick. This child was an orphan now.? I can't adopt her. I groaned. I led her inside my room with Jack. It was freezing. She was shaking. I handed her my cover. I shivered in the cold. She laid down on my lap. She fell asleep, and so did I. I woke up and the girl was at my feet. She stared at Jack, crying. She didn't know Jack why would she be crying?! I knew him. He was my boyfrien- just my friend. I scooted beside her, rubbing my eyes.
   "What's wrong?" I asked. She shook the tears.
    " He.. he looks so much like daddy." She said. I wanted to cry with her.
     " Do you mean he looks like your daddy before he died?" I asked thumping my foot on the ground.
     " Yes.. he also has the face like daddy." She said. My heart dropped . I hugged her. Jack slowly woke up.  I let go.
     "M-Mark?" He asked. I turned my head to him. "Who's child is that..?" He asked. I shrugged.
     " She just found this door at 1:00 AM. I let her stay." I said looking at Jack.
      " We have to take her to the front desk.." Jack said. The girl stared at a Jack and cried a little more.
      "... that.. that voice. Like daddy's." This was scaring me. Jack looked at the little girl and then his face changed expressions.
      "Are you Justin's kid.?" He asked. I stared at them.
       " ...How did you know?" She asked clutching the bear. 
       Jack felt the back of his head. "Oh yea, Jack. Your not allowed in sun or water which means Top on the
Mustang at all times." I said. Jack groaned. He felt his stomach.
  " Can you get me something to eat?" He asked. I walked downstairs and dropped the little girl off at a desk. A little lady behind it gave her a sucker, and I walked off without her. I found myself wondering around a cafeteria. It smelled of Cakes, and chocolate. I got Jack eggs, sausage, and toast. I got him ice cream for desert, although it was 6:00 AM.
I walked back up to the room I was in before. I peeked in a room. A small girl was watching a video. I heard a girl say to her mother something about Markiplier. I stopped. Marki- I WAS MARKIPLIER! The girl whined about not seeing Mark before she's died tomorrow. I peeked around the corner to see the girl. "Hey!" I said. She looked up, and her expressions changed. She was happy.
"MARK!!" She screamed. I  felt tears in my eyes, and ran up to her, hugging her. I felt something on my back. A tear. I let go, and stared at her. She pointed to her cheek. Her mother stood shocked. I gave her a kiss on the cheek, and looked at her phone. It was me. She recorded the moment, and uploaded it. I watched her do this. I walked out, and heard her scream "I ACTUALLY MET HIM!!". I walked to my room, 305. Jack was sitting up. I handed him his breakfast, and we shared the ice cream. He kissed me on the cheek. RING RING! ...My phone? I looked down.
"Mark met a dying girl, heartwarming must watch." People reup loaded her video of me. Thankfully the girl didn't say which hospital I was at. RING RING!! It was Jack's phone.
" You suck at videos. Try harder next time." He said, reading something on his phone. I took it. It was a message from a hater.
" Jack is really good at making videos. He is in the hospital, and he doesn't want to hear it from any haters today." I said, blocking their number. THUMP! The door. I opened it.
A little girl ran in. "Jack!! Your room location is leaked. Also the hospital. I really need to get you to another room!" The girl said. She didn't look a day over 9. A crowd ran up the stairs. How.? How did they get in.? The door was shoved open. People held San plushes and pictures of Jack. Jack looked at one fan, who wore a Markiplier shirt, but had on green flannel representing both of us.

Jacks POV:

I called her over here first. I signed the mustache on her shirt, and she told Mark to do it as well. She started to blush when she walked to Mark. "Don't worry, I don't bite. Unless you bite me first." He said joking. He signed the shirt.
"Mark. I think your really cute." She said. Marks face shot blood red. I let out a chuckle, something I hadn't done in a while. The other fans was told to get out. I let the girl stay. She told us about school, and how she attempted to kill herself. She told us how she got bullied for four years straight, and how she had no friend, and how we saved her. The girl looked about.. 11-12.
" What's your name, doll?" Mark asked.
"... Charlie." She said blushing rapidly. Mark smiled.
"Hey Jack!" Mark said to me. I looked at Mark. He walked up to me and whispered "Is it ok if I give her a small kiss?" I shook my head Yes. It wasn't much. "Wait... how old are you?" Mark asked, sitting beside the girl. She stopped blushing.
" 15. Why?" I THOUGHT SHE WAS 12.
Mark went silent. "Could I give you a kiss?" He asked. Her face shot red quickly.
"Y-YEA!" She said blushing hard. Mark gave her a kiss on the cheek. " My father died of cancer in 2012. My sister ran around here somewhere." She said I heard a cry. I turned. I looked down the window. A boy pushed a fangirl of us against a wall. Charlie ran downstairs. I just realized. Charlie was a transgender boy. I didn't care. I ran after Charlie. He ran outside, and hit the boy upside the face, dropping the child. He picked up the child, and I watched. The girl turned to me in tears. She was so small. I couldn't help it. I walked over to her. I picked her up. I took her inside the hospital to see how bad she got hurt. Charlie watched the girl. I fell to the floor. I passed out. I woke up in the room. The hospital room. I woke up to Charlie on me, and Jack gone. I look down. Jacks head was on my lap. Charlie was kissing my cheek.
"Charlie.. I'm awake ya know?" I said. He looked at my cheek again.
"I'm not trying to be a pervert, there's a bad cut on your cheek and I'm getting the blood off." Charlie said. I bit my lip. It hurt bad.
Charlie moved his hand. "Charlie." I said. " Could you quickly give me a kiss? Jacks not awake and I need love." Charlie shook his head.
"Sorry Mark. Jack is yours and I would feel weird doing that." Charlie said. Jack woke up, stretching.
"Let's leave." I said grabbing Jack. I handed Charlie a slip of paper. "Wrote down your YouTube name. Or any other social media. I'll follow it." I said. He wrote down YouTube and Instagram. I took the paper and quickly messaged Charlie on Instagram.
"Right person Mark." They said laughing. I left the room. I felt a tug on my shirt. Jack was already out the door. I turned and Charlie pulled me into a mouth to mouth kiss.

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