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   I woke up to see Jack's pants buttoned, and everything nice and clean. No more cum on the wall? I stared at Jack. He was asleep if my hands. He was hugging my arms, and my  hands were free. My legs wrapped around his waist. I gave him a nudge. "Baby." He shook. Nightmares. "Babe!" I said again. He shook faster. Then he woke up. "School time." I said.


School time? What if those bullies come back? What if that cousin of Marks tells everyone we are a thing? What if.. I collapsed to the floor. I was awake but my brain was filling with bad thoughts. Black came closer to me. And closer and closer. Suddenly I felt warm hands wrap around me. Mark shook me. "Jack! You scared me. You was shaking and.. wasn't responding. Your eyes were wide." Mark said. My anxiety attack scared my boyfriend. Someone needs to make that a book. I was too stunned to talk. Mark kissed me. He wasn't the bragging type.. I was wrong. I snapped out of it. "Jack get clothes on. " Mark told me. I shrugged.
   "I'll wear your hoodie.." I said not thinking about anything anymore.
I packed my bags for school, stuffing my books in one pocket, and my money for lunch in the other. I pulled the bag onto my back, and walked down my stairs looking at the pictures of me from a baby. Memories. That's what this house was. Just memories. I walked outside and stood beside the road. The cars went by, each one brighter than the other. I heard a footstep come from behind me.
"Jack!" It was Mark. I looked back. A car came by super fast splashing water on me any my bags. I groaned and flipped off the passing car.
" Just great!" I huffed. Mark took off my hoodie, and gave me his hoodie he had on. He had on a shirt underneath. My pants wasn't as wet, but my bag was a different story. HONK HONK!! I hear a screech, and a loud crash. Mark jumped in front of me, throwing his hands out. A piece of metal came up and hit him under his eye. He looked back and checked me for scratches. Blood rolled down his cheek. "Mark. Your bleeding." I said as he checked my legs. I looked in front of Mark. A car had collided with another car. Metal was everywhere. I ran out into the road and opened the doors. Blood. Blood was everywhere. I heard a baby cry. It was from a flipped over car. I unbuckled the strap, holding the baby in. I handed the baby to Mark. He rocked it to stop crying. A young boy stared at me in horror. I moved to his side of the car. He looked about five. I unbuckled him and helped him out. I got to the parents. One was awake but stunned. The other wasn't. It was the father. I shook the mother, watching the father get out. The father ran to the other car, but the mother was dead. I told the father and he started to cry. Realizing I understood him I cried. He looked at me.
" Why are you crying? My wife just died and your crying?" He asked. I grabbed my arm.
" My father died in a crash." I helped the other faimly out of the car. The was ok. They had no kids.

Marks POV:

I drove Jack to school, since the bus wouldn't be able to come. I leaned against his lips, kissing him slowly. He kissed back. I entered beside of Jack. Everyone stared at us. Jack grabbed my arm and whispered to me "Your cousin. She was there when your mom kicked you out." My heart dropped hearing those words. I heard a familiar voice.
" YOU GUYS ARE GAY?" It was my cousin. I looked at Jack. His eyes watered. It was hard coming out. I wrapped my arm around him. Who cares about the crowd? He didn't deserve that. I walked to my locker pushing boys from it. Jack was beside of me. Jack ran to the bathroom to cry. Tears formed in my eyes. I wiped them away and turned back. I saw Hailey holding a gay flag waving it. I smiled at her kindness. A boy pointed at her and laughed. She walked up to him.
"Hey! Pick on someone your own size! I'm gay, and so it Jack and Mark but so what? We're humans! Actually, I should be pointed at you for NOT being gay. " His face turned confused and the crowd suddenly cheered for the little girl. She flashed me a smile and reveled her shirt "Gay is OK." . The boy pushed the small girl. She pushed back. Suddenly Jack came out of the bathroom. He saw his sister being pushed. The boy pushed her to the ground. Jack punched the boy in the jaw, knocking him to the floor. He picked up his sister.
He read her shirt and hugged her. I ran up to her and hugged her too. She walked down the hall, but the office called her in. I walked into class. Jack sat behind me this time. I would feel hands wrap around my waist sometimes and class. I would smile to myself and melt.

A loud bang was heard on the door later in the day. The office called Jacks Mom. It turned out, the school did not accept gays. Jack and me stomped up to the office. I grabbed our bags, and held his hand. We stopped by our lockers. We emptied it out. This school wasn't going to accept us? That's fine. I saw a short black haired girl hold Haileys hand. Sally. Sally was getting kicked out for being gay? I saw Jacks Mom at the school doors. I dropped off my old books and slid them across the desk to my principle. Jack did the same. The principle shook his head no. I scolded him.
"That's not right! We are boys and we are in love so what? Who we love shouldn't matter!! They are girls and they love each other but that doesn't matter!! Your just a rude old man who doesn't accept gays. That's it. I'm frickin done with your dumb rules of 'No GAYS' and ' No chewing gum in class' and stupid junk like that!" I said kissing Jack and walking out the door. Hailey and Sally did the same. Sally's Mom said Sally should be able to stay over.


We arrived home, I fell asleep on Mark. My mother was quiet the whole ride, from what I heard from Mark. I woke up to see me on Marks lap, our chests touching. I looked up. Mark was smiling. "What happened?" I asked. Mark laughed.
" You heard thunder and got scared. I held you and you fell asleep." Mark said leaning down and kissing me. I looked back at my sister. She was asleep, holding Sally in her hands. She was the 'boy' of the relationship. I heard a groan. One of the girls was waking up.
" Sally.. wake up we're home." I heard my little sister say. I watched them, having my knees in Marks lap my chest crossing him. I felt hands travel down my body. Markkk wait until we get it. I lightly slapped Marks hand. The girls got up and Mark helped me get down. I got off of him, and got out of the car. The girls followed me. Mark got out and ran to me, jumping on my back. I fell to the grass, and we play fought for a while. The girls ignored us and continued walking. Mark was on top of me with his hands on each side of my head. He let go, our lips crashing on each other's.
"Hey you two! Stop making out and get in the house it's so cold out here!" It was Sally. Let's just say she scared both of us. My mother got out of the car first but left in the car again. Probably going shopping. I looked into the garage holding a flashlight. My hand shook. Tears formed in my eyes. I lifted the door up.

"M-my dad's four wheeler." I told Mark. I got onto it, wiping the dust off. I searched through the garage. A picture of me laid in a wooden frame. A letter to me for when I was older laid beside of it.
"Dear Sean,
If I have died, you are probably reading this. I just wanted you to know your mother is amazing. You should protect her. Your one year old sister will be amazing, and trust me, you are. I see a passion in you. Videos was always your thing from when you was two. You'd sing or dance or just talk to your old mans phone. But I hope you've found you someone. Someone worth loving. Someone who you love, no matter the gender. Your my son and no matter the age" it stopped. I cried and ran into Marks arms.
" I LOVE YOU!!" I screamed into his chest. He hugged me tight and bit my neck.
" I love you too." He said. I searched for keys. I slid papers off of a table, knocking it to the floor. Keys! I put the keys into the Four Wheeler. It turned on. Gas wasn't low. I felt Mark get on behind me. My legs were gripped by Mark. I heard Sally talking inside the house. I drove off.
Mark screamed as I dove down the hill, I shot up. I turned. I knew a place where my dad used to take me when I was little. I curved, going down a small road.

I will never forget you. (Septiplier Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя