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    Jacks POV:
   I pushed through the crowd of annoying kids, and headed to class. I spotted a man with tan hair. It matched his shorts, and his shirt said 'Let's PARTY!'. I huffed. I was never invited to a birthday, and definitely not a real party. I glanced over at the clock. Almost there!! I ran and THUMP!
    "Haha nerd! Watch where you going!" I heard a male voice call from above me. Just then I felt my arm ache. Frick. He bruised my arm. I pushed my self up and looked at the bully. A man slightly taller than me, was standing in front of the men. I saw him push the one that pushed me. The men ran. He walked over to me. I walked away quickly hoping I wasn't his next victim.
    "Hey wait up!" I heard him call. I turned slowly. He was running behind me. He had red hair, brown eyes, and a green shirt. My favorite color! He smiled and my heart warmed up. "I... I am Mark. N-Nice to meet you." He said huffing.
    "H..H-Hi. I'm J-Jack. Or Sean. E-either one." I said slowly backing away from him. I didn't want friends. I didn't want to fall in love.
   "Jack!" He screamed. My heart dropped. " You aren't scared of me are you?" He asked. Yes.. No.
   "No!" I screamed getting stared down by the people around me. " I just..  got to go." I said rushing off. I continued my day. I sat in math class and drew the man I met earlier. I drew him a little hotter though. To be honest, he was cute. I sketched and all of a sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder. I covered my drawing up and turned to see the person who tapped me. A girl with red hair and freckles chuckled.
   " That looks good. It kinda looks like a boy I know." She said blushing. I think she had a crush on me. I tipped an imaginary hat at her and continued to draw. " Wait. Is that meant to be Mark?" I heard the girl ask. My heart felt fuzzy just thinking of him. I shook my head. She stopped talking and hid her face for a little bit. She then rose it up and asked muffled " Are you gay?". My face shot blood red.
   "JACK YOU ANSWER THIS QUESTION!!" I heard the teacher call to me. I sighed in relief.
   " That would be... 40!" I said shaking my head. The teacher wrote down the number 40 on the board. I sighed and looked at my drawing. Just then I heard a chuckle. I turned to see Mark staring at me. AHH. I hid my drawing and chuckled back. I felt like crying. He handed me a paper. Oh gosh.
    "Is that me? Oh yea.. here's my number btw. I think your pretty chill." I wanted to scream, but I flipped it over and saw a number. I stuffed it in my pocket. I wrote back.
   " It is indeed you. I just made you a little... sexual. And thanks! Your not that bad yourself." I handed it to him. I saw him smile. He stuffed it in his pocket.
   I looked at him and smiled. I felt a thump against my head. My head fell down and hit the desk creating a huge thump. I picked up the paper and read it. " Lol ur gay 4 Mark!!?!?" I crumbled it up. Mark looked worried. He took it from my hand.
"Who threw this?" He asked holding it. I felt horrible. My stomach ached suddenly. "Jack! Who threw this at you?" He asked once more. I shrugged. " Ok. Sure. I'll find out who threw it though." He said looking at me with a smirk. Oh just great.
"You don't have to!" I said to him. The bell rang and students spilled out the door, bumping into each other. I picked up my bag, and followed the kids. My teacher pulled my arm.
"Stop talking in class or you'll get sent to the office. Sean, I know your new, but talking is not allowed in this class." I pulled my arm loose and continued to walk out. I felt even worse. My stomach ached more. Until I felt a hand on my back.
"You ok? You look sick." It was Mark. I felt like falling into his arms, but instead I sat still staring at him. " Are you ok? Your kinda scaring me over here." He said once again. I shook my head. He grabbed my arm and he supported me.
" Thanks." I said. I heard someone laugh from behind me.
" Told you he was gay for Mark." It was the boy that threw that paper. Mark heard this and sat me down against a wall.
" SHUT UP! I'm helping him get to class because he feels sick! And your saying he's gay for me? Really? You guys are together each day of the school year!!" Mark said pushing the boy who said that. I flinched. "Now.." Mark said pushing him. "LEAVE MY FRIEND ALONE!" He pushed the boy to the floor, knocking his friend over with him. He came back over to me. "Are you ok? Need help up?" He asked me. I shook my head 'Yes'. He picked me up and led me to the next class. "There's a seat open beside of me. If you want to sit beside of me that is." He was considering me a friend. I couldn't say the same.
"Ok.." I said clutching my stomach. I walked to the desk beside of Mark and sat down. I pulled out paper and pencil and began writing. THUMP! Something against my desk. I read it to Mark. "Are you gay? You act like you are." It was different handwriting and better grammar than the last person. Mark wrote me a note.
" Are you gay?.. just a question don't get mad." As I read it my heart dropped. I flipped over the paper.
" .... I don't know my sexuality." I handed it to him and hid my face. I peeked at him. He shook his head 'Yes' and looked at the teacher. I felt a paper being slid under my arm. I lifted my head to read it. " I think your pretty cute for a boy. But... your not gay so :l" I read it who handed me this I thought. I looked over and Mark was staring at me. FRICK DID HE- he did. I turned it over and wrote back.
"I don't know my sexuality, but I think your hot too. I mean I'm not looking for friends or boyfriends." I slid it to him. I saw him sink into his seat. He closed his eyes and I watched him. Then I saw a tear. I reach my hand over to him. " You ok?" I asked. He jerked away. "Bro. Calm down. I- I still want to be your friend. " I said laying my hand on his arm. THUMP! A paper hit Marks desk. I took it and threw it back to the person who threw it at him hitting him in the head. I smirked and turned to Mark.
"SEAN! SIT!" The teacher yelled to me. I groaned and sat down. I watched Mark sketch in his book.
A few hours later school was out. I ran into the bathroom, as I walked home every day meaning I could stay there for as long as I wanted. I heard a laugh follow me. I turned to see the boy and his friends behind me. As I stopped they pushed me on the ground. On sat on top of me and hit me in my eye, causing it to bruise. I kicked and kicked until I couldn't no longer. " Hey!" It was Mark. He pulled the guy off of me, pinned him against the wall, and started hitting him. Once Mark dropped the boy, he ran off. His friends followed him. I just sat on the ground to hurt to move. I couldn't do nothing but cry. "Jack? What did they do to you?" I felt ugly, useless, unconvinced I was meant to live, and felt depressed. I could hardly talk. "Jack let me get you some ice." He said pulling me up, and helping me to the office. I didn't want help. I just couldn't say no to him. He walked me into the office and sat me down on a bench. He ran into the nurses office, and grabbed an ice pack. He held it to my eye. I fell asleep, him holding me. "Jackkk.." I heard. I woke up.
"Huh?" I said still sleepy. I felt ice still on my eye.
" You fell asleep. Want to stay over at my house tonight?" He asked me. I shook my head 'Yes' and I handed him my phone.
" Message my mother and tell her I'm staying with a friend." I said. He shook his head and I saw him text someone. It sent.
" She said That's ok but tomorrow your gonna go home." I shook my head 'Yes' and he let me to his car. He helped me get in, and I smiled at him. "Didn't want any friends huh?" He laughed nudging me. I laughed and fell asleep, leaning against him. " Sean. Wake up. We're here." He said shaking me lightly so I wouldn't be scared. I rose up and grabbed my bag.
" Thanks for the ride." I said closing the door to  his blue mustang.
"No problem. Can you walk or does it hurt still?" He asked me. I got up and started walking. I felt a pain strike my foot. I tumbled down. Mark turned to me and sped to me. I checked my foot to see what caused that. A huge bruise covered my ankle. I saw a cut in the middle of it and suddenly pain shot through me. I held my ankle and watched Mark flung his bags and run to me. He picked me up, followed by my bags then his. I curled up in his hands, wanting to cry. He opened the door and I heard a girl scream. I turned my head.
"WHATS WRONG WITH HIM?" She screamed. It seemed she was the mother of Mark. Mark took me to the couch, and sat me down beside of him.
" He was getting picked on in the bathroom and I grabbed the bully off of him, ma. He has a sprained ankle either that or its broken and his eye is swollen from a punch to it." Mark explained to the mother. I leaned against Mark and wrapped my arms around him, realizing he could just then saved my life. He wrapped his hand around me. "You'll be ok. My moms a doctor." He whispered to me. The lady ran down a small hallway and came back, her hands filled with doctor kits. "Your not scared of doctors are you?" He whispered to me again. I clutched him. I was terrified of doctors but how was I supposed to tell him that.
" I am scared of doctors.." I whispered holding onto him very tight. The lady cleaned out the cut. I flinched and cried a little, but each time I did Mark would grab my hand. Finally I didn't feel anything touching my leg or my cut. I looked down to see the lady smiling. I looked at my leg and saw a bandage around it. She told me not to move it that Mark could help me move. I then realized Mark and me held hands. He cared for me when I was hurt. He didn't like me in pain. He does like me and I was falling for Mark as well. I stared at Mark. He smiled back. Ughhh that smile made me happy. Way too happy.

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