"If you do this, and either of us die it will cause the living one to have a mental breakdown. You'd feel more dead as a literal half of yourself is dead. You understand why most vampires freaked out when they heard what I allowed it happen now?" Nadine bit her lip as she took into consideration the words Trent was saying to her and she still nodded.

"I'm not exactly how it works, but she said I'd know it when I feel it." Nadine said as Trent pulled her close enough to bite her.

"Think of it as letting go of something you were holding onto, like you don't feel like your holding yourself back." Trent explained before sinking his teeth into her neck.

Nadine wasn't sure exactly how to 'let go' but all she wanted was finish her half of that bond. And then the indescribable feeling of letting go rushed over her and she felt like she was making some sort of complete connection to him. It was as if she willing submitted her being over to another person mentally. She was looking up at the sky as Trent had bit into her neck but the night sky started to fade from her vision and everything around her went black.

Trent pulled away as he felt Nadine fall limp in his arms realizing she blacked out. He remembered when she bit him that he was weaker then usual. Adding the fact the girl had gone through so much in such a short time, he forgot that she was still fragile. He'd make himself barely presentable so that he could carry her to a more comfortable place for her to rest. He got up from the deck chair, now carrying the sleeping girl in his arms, and made his way to a different part of the ship.

He had found what looked to be a master bedroom looking room with a large king sized bed. The room was very spacious for being on a yacht. He laid Nadine on the bed and pulled a blanket over her. Trent found a remote on an end table and pressed a button labeled "close". Upon pressing the button, large shutters closed over the large window that overlooked the ocean. He looked at his watch to see what time it was and there was a long while before sunrise.

"The ship should be back in time. Here's to hoping none of those witches sensed Miss Olivia's death." Trent said to himself as he set the remote back down, went to the main door and locked it to keep unwanted guests from entering the room.

He wasn't tired but as he made his way over to the bed he felt his whole body become weak and exhausted. Trent could stay up for days at a time with little rest, yet he felt as though he had the stamina of a human. He didn't even make it to the bed before collapsing onto the floor and his world around him went black.

"Simon please, I'm sorry I wasn't trying accuse you of cheating. But those messages on your phone." Trent started to hear Nadine's voice as he was now standing in front of Nadine's ex-fiance. "WHY WERE YOU MESSING WITH MY PHONE?" Simon screamed back at Trent. "I told you to leave my stuff alone! I don't go being nosy with your stuff, so stay off of mine! Now where is my dinner?"

Trent wanted to punch this man, he thought he killed him but here he was yelling at him over something. Instead of anger, Trent felt fear and fought back the urge to cry as he scrambled into a small kitchen to plate some food for this Simon guy. He realized as he sat down the plate in front of Simon that he had bonded with Nadine as well he was proud of himself of knowing that the ex-fiance was never fit for his precious flower.

He stood there waiting for a voice of approval from Simon before looking quickly to the stove's clock in the kitchen and then back to Simon. Simon then threw the plate onto the floor, causing Trent to take a step back while trembling as the plate shattered on the floor.

"Simon, please, I'm sorry, but I'm going to be late for work." Trent pleaded at the man all the while desperately wanting to kill this man all over again.

He knew he was unable to but he is at least pleased with himself from freeing Nadine from this kind of person. Simon stood up from the table and backhanded Trent on the face. Trent was forced to take the blow, causing him to be knocked to the ground and everything around him going black. Trent woke up and was able to sit himself upright to find Nadine looking over him with curiosity and concern.

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