Chapter 29

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A/N: since it's my birthday today I decided to post this chapter early hope you enjoy!

The pain in my neck wakes me up and when I open my eyes I can already tell I'm not in my room and the painful memories of last night come back to me all at once.

"Does it hurt bad?" I hear Michael's voice behind me but I don't reply to him.

"Come here." He says and again I don't say anything.

I feel him put his hand on my shoulder to pull me towards him and to lay on my back.

"If you touch me I'll scream." I say looking right into his eyes as he looks at me concerned, it hurts to even look at him. If it wasn't for his hair and eyes he could be Matthew but he's not.

"You're sweating." He says and I close my eyes trying to ignore the splitting headache I was getting along with the sick feeling in my stomach and the pain in my neck I really wish I was asleep again.

"I don't feel good." I groan and try to roll over but he stops me again and I try moving his hand away.

"I swear to god stop it!" I yell hitting his chest but I felt too weak to even put up a good fight and he ends up holding both my hands on either side of my head.

"Please stop." I whimper and close my eyes feeling sick and the pain in my neck starts getting worse.

Surprisingly he lets go of my hands but I keep my eyes closed not wanting to look at him, I just want to sleep. My eyes open when I feel his cheek against my jaw and I put my hands on his shoulders immediately to push him away.

"Get off! Stop!" I yell and begin to panic.

"Just let me." He growls and I gasp when I feel him kiss the mark on my neck. The pain decreases immediately but I don't trust him.

"Get off." I groan again pushing at his shoulders but he doesn't and I start breathing hard as he places a longer kiss on the mark. I close my eyes and lower my arms and don't fight it anymore, I hold back a moan when I feel him stick his tongue out and drag it slowly against the mark.

My stomach starts flipping and my skin is heating up again and I lift my hand to tangle it in his hair. He moves his head immediately to lock onto my lips and that's when I realize what we were doing and I manage to push him off entirely making him growl loudly.

"I'm gonna throw up." I gasp sitting up and he nods his head towards a door which I run towards and kneel before the toilet inside lifting it up and throwing up everything from last night.

I take a deep breath once I'm finally done and I hear him enter the room.

"Were you drinking last night?" He asks and I just groan.

"Leave me alone it was my birthday." I say and flush the toilet.

"Happy Birthday. " he says but I don't answer him and just get up to wash my mouth out in the sink.

"I want to go home." I say standing up and looking at him staring at me in the mirror.

"You'll have a home here soon." He says and I laugh dryly.

"I'm not staying here." I say and turn around to look at him.

"Would you stay if my brother asked?" He says bitterly and I just shake my head not wanting to believe him.

"Shut up. You don't know anything about us. Just take me home." I say and push past him to find my things.

"You're my mate." He says and I scoff.

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