Chapter 26

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Today's the day.

I smile when I hear my door slowly creak open and my mother quietly starts singing happy birthday.

I get up putting a smile on her face and she sings louder and I laugh when I see her holding a cupcake in her hand with a lit candle standing on top of it.

"Happy Birthday dear Eileen! Happy Birthday to you!" She ends the song and brings the cupcake towards my face and I blow it out immediately.

"That was fast! Did you even think of a wish!?" She exclaims and I just shrug and she sighs and places the cupcake to the side.

"I've gotta go soon but please be safe tonight nothing crazy?" She asks and I nod my head. She smiles and opens her arms for a hug which I give in to.

"I love you, Happy Birthday." She kisses my cheek and smiles at me one last time before leaving. As I'm getting dressed I hear her car drive off and I'm a little sad that she's gone until I hear my phone go off with a text. I see that it's from my dad.

D: have a great day! Happy birthday I'll call you later xx.

I smile reading the message and reply with a thank you and finish getting dressed. I sigh annoyed when I can't find my favorite sweater and decide on a dark green hoodie to go along with my black jacket I'll have to look for it later I guess, if I even make it back home later. I smile to myself and remember that for the past few days Jennifer has been planning my party which I made her promise not to invite anybody who could bring Alex with them.

I walk outside and squint my eyes as snow begins to fall slowly and lands in my eyelashes and here I was hoping for bright sun and clear skies, I missed the weather in San Diego but I never had friends like Jennifer back there either.

I hop inside my car and turn the heat up immediately and check my phone one last time, it would have been nice if Matthew said Happy Birthday to me although I wouldn't reply. But maybe he knows that and won't send anything anyways. Ugh, forget it. I start driving and ignore all thoughts of him and get to school, miraculously  without getting into an accident.

I pull up right next to Derek's car but because of the snow it's understandable that Jennifer and him wouldn't be outside as usual waiting for me.

I rush inside but not without noticing Ashley crying in front of Alex who looks right at me, I ignore his creepy stare and mind my business and run inside the heated building and straight to my locker and smile when I see my friends decorating it as quick as possible.

"Okay. Okay. I think it's done. Do you think she'll like it?" Jennifer says looking at Derek who shrugs.

"Yeah it's okay." I joke and everyone turns around and looks at me.

"You were supposed to be looking out for her!" Jennifer yells at Derek who just laughs not feeling bad.

"Thanks guys. I love it" I smile as they all say Happy Birthday to me.

"Finally 18 huh? Isn't that great." I get a chill up my spine as I hear Alex behind me and even worse he puts his arm around my shoulders. I shrug it off and he still smiles at me but I move to stand at Jennifer's side.

"Any plans on celebrating?" He asks looking between us all and I'm grateful for Jennifer's answer.

"It's just gonna be everyone standing right here at my house. No outsiders. Sorry." She says and tries shooing him away.

"Alright no problem. Let me know if you want me to stop by." He winks at me and I get this sick feeling in my stomach.

"God what a creep!" Jen almost screams and I laugh opening my locker and put my things inside.

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