Chapter 15

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She hesitated but I finally got her to dress warm enough to want to go outside.

"I can't leave outside the front door, my dad will know." She says and I give her a small smile and tuck a piece of her hair behind her cheek.

"Just trust me okay?" I say but she doesn't respond. I surprise her by lifting her up and she lets out a small scream as I jump out of the window holding her carefully, when I set her down she lets out a shaky breath which forms a cloud of smoke in front of her and she stares at me with wide eyes.

"How did you do that?" She asks and I hold her face in my hands.

"Promise me you won't get scared. No matter what it's still me. I love you. And I'll never hurt you again." I say and she looks at me with a pained look in her eyes. I lower my head slowly towards her lips and when she doesn't pull back I give her a soft kiss that fills my whole body with joy.

"Come on." I grab her hand and we slowly trudge through the snow until I feel we're deep enough for nobody to see us.

"This better not be some trick." She mumbles and I smile at how cute her scowl looks before I let go of her hand. I take my pullover and shirt off and throw it in the snow and start unbuckling my belt when Eileen yells.

"What are you doing? It's freezing out!" She exclaims and picks up my sweater to throw it back at me but I shake my head.

"I love you Eileen." I say and pull down my pants and underwear and waste no time in changing and breaking my bones, a painful process that I've become all too familiar with now. I hear Eileen let out a small gasp when I stand on all fours in front of her and she takes a few steps back. Inside my head I'm praying she doesn't freak out and scream since it'll just be same thing all over again with Adrian. But her facial expression slowly changes and her breathing slows down as she stares at me longer.

"M-Matthew?" She asks and I sit down as a response not wanting to frighten her. She lets out a small laugh and looks at me in amazement. She takes a step forward and I lower my head as I watch her slowly extend her hand and place it flat on my head.

"Oh my god." She gasps softly and moves her hand back. After I feel she gets the point I change back and she blushes and looks away as I put my clothes back on. I can tell by the clouds of smoke forming in front of her she's breathing very fast but isn't saying anything.

"Say something...please." I say taking step towards her but once she sees me move she takes a step back.

"This is why you left? You became...a wolf?!" She yells sounding angry and I shake my head.

"I was born like this. And so was my family. It's just how we are." I say and try to grab her hand but she pulls it back.

"Don't. Don't touch me." She says and the way she's reacting is breaking my heart, she has to understand or else...I don't even want to imagine what will happen to her if she starts spreading this around.

"I'm not going to hurt you Eileen." I say and she laughs dryly throwing her head back.

"Too late for that don't you think?? I was actually feeling better you know? That bitch Ashley wasn't bothering me over you. Adrian was becoming my friend and now you think you can just show up and think showing me this will change everything??" She yells and wobbles as she stands and shuts her eyes tight.

"What's wrong?" I put my hand on her shoulders as she places her hand on her forehead.

"My head...fuck. This all feels familiar.." she says and I start panicking, please don't let her remember.

"I don't expect you to forgive me. I only wanted to explain myself and to tell you I love you. It hurt so much to drive away when you said it. I only left because..." what do I say? Do i explain the possibility of her being my brother's mate?

"Because I'd be afraid of this side of you?" She finishes my sentence and I just nod my head.

"I'll go if you want me to and I'll never come back." I say secretly hoping she wants me to stay. I listen to her heart beat wildly and she takes a small step towards me and lays her head on my chest.

"Don't leave.." she whispers and wraps her arms around my waist, I sigh feeling relieved and hold her back.

Eileen's POV

No matter how much it hurt and how hard I struggled with Matthew leaving me the moment I saw him there was nothing more than I wanted than to just be held by him. I thought it was just goinf to be a repeat of what happened in San Diego. And if Adrian hadn't become friends with me I might have done something terrible.

But as I watched his skin tear apart, and his beautiful blue eyes turn black and his face completley change into that of a wolf I swore I thought I was dreaming. Strangely I wasn't afraid to see him in that shape, I felt happy. He trusted me. He loved me. Now we could actually have a chance at being happy again.

Once I couldn't bare standing in the cold for another minute Matthew started walking me back to my house while explaining the whole wolf side of him. It wasn't only his family that carried this "gift", it was a whole pack filled with loads of ancient families.

"Is that why your dad didn't want you dating in high school? Because of your wolf?" I ask and he smiles.

"Because I am a wolf,yes. He wanted me to stay home and train with my brother." He says.

"Train to be what?" I ask and he sighs.

"Every pack has a leader called and Alpha. And as of right now that's my father making my brother and I next in line." He says and my eyes widen in surprise.

"But you guys are twins how are you supposed to decide?" I say and remember all the times he spoke of running off to college just to ignore his father's wishes.

"I am the older twin. Meaning that I take after my father the most by being much stronger than my brother which he finds frustrating since I don't want the title. Not anymore." He says looking at me more sincerely. We reach the tree under my bedroom window and just as I open my mouth to suggest how we get back inside, Matthew picks me and gently puts me over his shoulder and climbs up like nothing.

"I would have gone through the front door!" I whisper loudly and climb in through my window which is still open.

"God it's freezing in here." I shiver and shut my window after Matthew comes into my room. Suddenly I remember Adrian and how he never made it to my room.

"What did you do to Adrian??" I ask frantically and he looks at me surprised.

"He let me come up. He found his way in the basement." Matthew says easing my nerves and I sigh feeling relieved and take off my boots and jacket but not my sweater. I stare at my bed and then back at Matthew who is still standing by the window.

"Are you going to stay tonight?" I ask and nervously pull my sleeves over my hands.

"I promised you I wouldn't leave didn't I?" He says and I smile.

"Come on you must be freezing." He says and extends his hand I walk over and grab and lead him to my bed where he takes off his sweater and shoes. I turn off the lights and now we lay silently in the dark facing eachother. He reaches down and grabs my hands and to my surprise his hands are extremely warm and heat my ice cold hands immediately.

"Do you never get cold?" I joke and he chuckles and shakes his head. The room becomes quiet for a few minutes but I know he hasn't fall asleep yet and I can't sleep without more answers.

"What happens with us now? Will your family be okay with me knowing about wolves?" I ask and he sighs.

"I don't know. Maybe." He says and my stomach knots up nervously thinking about his entire family of wolves gaining up on me.

"We don't have to worry about that now." He says and reaches out to caress my cheek making me close my eyes enjoying it.

"If you're the father is the Alpha then what does that make your mother?" I ask feeling curious about all the titles in his world.

"His Luna." He says and I smile at the sound of it.

"Can I be your Luna?" I ask with a joking tone but secretly mean it, he doesn't laugh.

"Yes, you can." He says and snuggles up closer to me and we fall asleep without another word.

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