"And who would do something like that exactly? I know Tiberius couldn't do anything that cruel, and I'm pretty sure Titan would probably help out the kidnappers before helping Cara, " if anyone's organs should be removed, it should be Cara's brother. That piece of crap... "So am I missing someone?" My question made him grin, but it wasn't a cheerful one. It was sickening, like he was remembering something dark and twisted. I wanted to rip it off his smug face and then toss it down the drain.

"I don't think you really want to know the answer to that question my precious Alpha Eloise." He cooed as he stalked closer.

"And why not?"

"Because knowing you like I do, I don't think you'd like the answer you'd get."

"You can't scare me!" I growled.

"I'm not trying to, but I can tell you that the way you look at some people will drastically change once you get the answer to your question. Do you want that? Do you want the love you hold for those around you to crumble into fear and hate?"

"W...what are you talking about?" I stuttered as my stomach began to sink to my feet.

"Look your Alphaness...I know that your are curious about certain things, but you must realize that the expression curiosity killed the cat has some truth to it. You should really just forget about everything told you and let me handle everything on my own."

"N...no!" I growled as I tried to fight against the fear that Lucas had managed to slip into my heart. That stupid Beta! God what does Cara see in this guy?

At first Lucas didn't answer; he just stood there opposite of my desk staring at me. I knew he was studying me for an answer on his part, but that only made my patience grow weaker. I was about to blow when he finally spoke, "If your really that curious, I can tell you who he is. After all I am only a Beta, so technically I have to somewhat obey you. Before you say anything though, know that I can not personally tell you who he is. I would have to take you to him and let him introduce himself. Nothing against you, those are just his rules. So is your curiosity that strong, or are you willing to forget our conversation and move on with your wonderful, unicorn and rainbows, happy filled life?"

His rules? I couldn't deny that who ever this man was, had clearly caught my interest. Lucas never showed fear, so just thinking about the flash of emotion I saw earlier, had the answer practically begging to be let out. At the same time though, something felt wrong. This whole situation was driving me crazy, like there was much more to it then everyone thought. First three Alpha's go missing, then vampires start dying, then Cara goes missing and now Lucas is trying to take me to meet some man that won't let his identity be revealed by anyone but himself. What doesn't scream 'something is horribly wrong' about that? "Well...?" Lucas holds out his hand with a solemn look etched onto his dark features.

I'm sorry for everything Cara. Shutting my brain off so that nothing can stop me, I reach out my hand and place it in Lucas's. His lips twitch into a sly smile, and I immediately felt like I was making a deal with the devil.

Suddenly he slips his hand through mine and slams my back against the window. Before I can react he slips his hand up father and places his palm against my mouth and nose. I kick out at him and reach for my wolf but before she could even begin to surface my eyes caught sight of his pupils dilating and everything around me is swallowed by darkness.


The smell of burning rubber and a loud rush of curse words woke me from the coma that had been forced upon me. I jolted upwards, my head smashing into something solid causing a migraine to quickly form at the base of my skull.

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