Chapter Two: The Apprentice

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The Enchantress stared blankly at the boy, her mind registering his unorthodox request. Did he assume that by asking he would be let into her manor? Was he a fool?

'No,' she answered.

The boy's brows furrowed in defiance as he took a step towards her, his revolting smell almost making her gag. She winced and raised her hand again, pleading the boy would not step nearer.

'Let me into your home,' he repeated.

'Why?' the Enchantress questioned, leaning back in an attempt to avoid inhaling his odour.

'I am a researcher,' disclosed the boy, 'I wish to research you and your power.'

The Enchantress huffed, 'Researching me is the same as researching your own self!' she stated. 'You will not find a satisfactory answer from me if you do not find it in that near city,' she continued, nodding towards the Suz Kingdom.

'But I will,' he affirmed. 'I know who you are.' A sly smile spread across his lips as he took another step forward.

The Enchantress pursed her lips, narrowing her eyes at him. 'Oh, do you, now?'

'I do, and I will let you know how once I am inside,' he bargained.

Laughter erupted from the Enchantress's mouth. 'That's a good try, but if you really knew who I was, you would not play such a fool's game.'

The boy shrugged. 'Why not let a fool like me in, then? Surely I can't be a threat.'

'You may be a fool, but don't mistake me for one,' she warned. 'Now, run along home. The night is settling.'

The boy reached into the pockets of his dirt-ridden pants and drew a worn journal and a small, reed pen. 'This is all I have on me. No weapons and no ulterior motive!' he pleaded. 'All I would like is for you to take me as your apprentice! Teach me how you control the elements – how you controlled that stone beast, for example!'

The Enchantress stared at the boy, her mind racing to find a way to make him leave.

'Please...' he whispered.

'If you would really like to know, then write this down,' She spoke slowly, moving her staff as casually as she could while calling her marble beast forward. 'Never trust those who you have something to learn from.'

Tilting his head in confusion, the boy opened his journal and began to scratch the pages with his pen. The Enchantress watched him closely as her hands drew closer to her chest, drawing her marble monster towards the boy. She lifted her staff until the crystal adorning it was above her head. Once the beast was right behind the boy, it lifted its arm above him. Swallowing the premature guilt within her, she shot the staff down, expecting the beast's arm to do the same.

The Enchantress's eyes widened as she watched the boy shut his pen between the pages of his journal and spin to face the monster, bracing his stance, and launching one hand forward. The beast's movement stopped, and each fragment of marble fell apart from its core until it was nothing more than a pile of marble pieces scattered on the ground.

Her eyes shot between what was her marble monster and the boy. Her jaw slack as she struggled to comprehend what had just happened.

'Woah,' the boy vocalised. 'That could have done some serious damage!' he turned to look at the Enchantress and pouted. 'Why would you do that?'

Biting her lip, the Enchantress averted her gaze for a moment before looking to the boy again. 'How did you do that?'

He tilted his head. 'Do what?'

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