Chapter I : Enrollment

Start from the beginning

"Miyuki-san! Why don't you go home together with us?" A boy from Miyuki's class said

"I- I am actually about to go home with my brother and his friends. Some other day maybe? Thank you for your invitation." Miyuki replied politely

"Why are you hanging out with some weeds? You are a bloom. You should go with us." The boy insisted and grabs Miyuki by her wrist and pulls her towards them.

"Hey! Hey! That's enough. Miyuki said she wants to go home with her brother right?" Erika replied (one of Tatsuya's friends)

"Don't you dare talk to me weed!"

A sudden test of powers suddenly became their resolve. The blooms prepared attacks with their CAD's and the weeds prepared for defense. While casting their spells, a sudden psion bullet hit all of their spells which stop them.

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All of the students look into the direction where the bullet came from and saw Mayumi Saegusa, the school's student council president, and with her is Mari Watanabe the school's Head disciplinary committee.

Tatsuya stared at Mayumi with awe. Her long black hair flowing with the air with her serious yet cute face and her gun like CAD.

(She was the one who broke the spell? That's an actual accurate shot. That's a  Saegusa for you.) Tatsuya said in her mind.

"I think you guys should stop this. And come with me, your disciplinary committee. Casting spells in the school ground is forbidden." Mari said with her strict tone.

"Mari-senpai. I think this girl is just casting a some kind of Flash Spell." Tatsuya replied

"You can read spells that are being cast Tatsuya-san?" Mayumi asked with awe

"Yes Mayumi-senpai." Tatsuya replied

"There you have it Mari. I don't think any punishment is needed. We can let them go home, right?" Mayumi asks Mari while siding with the other students

"Mayumi? *Sighs* Well, I'll let this pass today. You guys, go home now."

"Yes senpai!" All of them replied

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Mahouka Koukou No Rettousei : Tatsuya x Mayumi (Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now