the jimin stan starter pack

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The jimin stan starter pack

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The jimin stan starter pack

-Perfect Man BTS cover performance JIMIN focus (nah srsly i dont think there's a single stan out there who doesn't know about the ULTIMATE jimin fancam, unless ur new then go check it out you'll thank me later)

-"once you jim-in, you can't jim-out"

- trust issues because this kid can go from a cute smol kitten to some sexy wild beast in a matter of SECONDS

- Keeping Up with Jimin's Lies

-If a soft stan, a must need item is the "protect" button

-If a hard stan, a must need item is the Holy Bible

-If both hard and soft stan, you need to practise breathing exercises

-"why park jimin when you can ride jimin"

-wants to go to Busan and ride their favourite ride aka jimin's lap

- ALSo wants to wrap him up in a warm blanket and feed him cookies

- generally very friendly and sweet

-as precious as jimin


woohoo idk wtf i am doing

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