Chapter 7~ Tarrin

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             Picture above is the closest I can find for Daya. So yea :P Hope you enjoy! Please comment and tell me what you think about the book so far.

        Finally, I'm here. After about two days wandering on the forest trail I have finally reached my first destination, The town of Tarrin. From here its about another days worth of walking to the Institute. But first, I need some serious rest... in a nice hotel. Oh yea, I don't have any money. That's nice.
        Feeling defeated, I walk out of the forest and into the big town, quickly becoming amazed about the modern look to it.
          Living in an old village inside an old house with outdated technology, it confuses me when I see people on phones, and big houses. I even see a school to my right, a large flag billowing from a pole. I make sure my face is covered and suddenly wish I had some sort of a hood.
       I want to attract as little attention as possible and some ninja thief mask isn't really helping. I also want to get the heck out of here. NOW.
            Looking around, I try to find a way into the new path. Hopefully I can get on the trail and find a place to camp later. Suddenly, I spot something. Walking into a nearby ally I see a girl about my age, maybe a little younger. She is slowly backing up in my direction, being closed in by four large men in all black with masks.
          Being a good 3 yards way, I think about my options. I could either walk away silently and act like I never saw anything, avoiding contact and attention. Or I could help this poor girl out and potentially get food or shelter in return.
          The answer is obvious. I turn around swiftly and start walking out the other direction. Unfortunately, my escape plan backfires when the girl turned around... spotting me.
         "HEY! PLEASE, HELP M-" the girl was now screaming at me but was cut off by a large hand. I'm literally wearing the same thug outfit those guys are, do you really want me to help?
        "Well... since you said please," I mutter under my breath, turning and and dashing towards the men, jumping. I reach my hand behind my head, pulling my sword out right when I was straight above them.
         I raise my sword with a shout, surrounding it with water. I slammed down on them, gently pushing the girl to the side and knocking them into to the air.
         Suddenly, I feel a light breeze around my head- almost speaking to me. I immediately know what to do as I point my sword out in front of me. My sword erupts in wind, blowing my hair so it sticks up almost like Goku's hair. Well that's attractive.
          I then leap into them, still in the air. I cut through them with precision and swiftness, zooming to each one- remaining untargetable with each leap.                        
       Doing twists and turns, I dash on each target, slicing them three times, forming a barrier around me, and dashing to the next person. Repeated that about four times until I got bored.
            Finally, I was done, and I let them drop to the floor. There they all were- on the floor in front of me, cut up and broken. I guess I learned a new move. A small smirk grew on my face behind my mask and I turned to the girl. Who wasn't where I left her.
          I move to look behind a stack of wooden boxes, and see her cowering in a corner... with a device in her hand. Wait a second.... is that a phone? I watch as I hear a click and see her flash pearly white teeth in an scared smile.
         She's actually taking a picture... what do they call it these days? I've been out of society for so long it's like I'm in another time. Ah- a selfie. What the hell is wrong with her? I silently glare at her as she posts it on GramInsta.
         Completely confused, I step up to her and look directly into her eyes. This seems to scare her as she jumps up and gives a quiet yelp.
           "You saved me! Thank you so much! Let me bring you to my house so I can introduce you to our family. Whatever you want in return, I'm happy to give!" She rambles off incredibly fast, with an unbelievably large grin on her face as she starts skipping off out of the ally.
        At first I wanted to just leave but I decided to test her claim to repay me. So awkwardly, I jog behind her.
         As I walk along the path leading to this girls house, I notice two things. 1. This girl was annoyingly hyper. Very annoying. 2. Everyone in the town was staring at me. EVERYONE. Some with a scared look, some with curiosity.
        But I have noticed that most have  a dangerous, almost deadly look that almost frightened me. Almost. Even though I really haven't been to that many towns, I could tell that it was quite strange to see this kind of reaction.
      So, as I quietly walk behind the girl, I reach my hand up to my mask to make sure my lower half of my face is covered. I need absolutely no attention added to what I already have. I'm seriously wanting a hood right now.
       Finally we arrived to an average house, looking much nicer on the outside and new than my own. If you even call mine a house. I uncertainly follow the girl as she continues to run her mouth about some event going on in school. What have I gotten myself into?
         "Oh my god... I haven't even said my name yet," She exclaims, stopping right in front of the door. No please, don't stop... just go in the house!
          Apparently my silent pleas aren't heard and she continues on yet another rant. 
      "My name is Daya, and did you know that I have a dog named Eddie? Of course you didn't, HA! I don't even know you. Well... we got him at this shelter, and he was SO skinny! I just HAD to get him! Legit one year later he has gained twice the amount of weight than before. he is now 16 pounds! He is so fat I swear, and so CUTE. Also you wanna know what we feed him?! Recycled dog po-" At this point I started to ignore her and looked around to take my surroundings in.      
          No notable traps or deadly weapons nearby... good. Now I turn back to Daya and observe her appearance. Surprisingly, she actually doesn't look her age.
         Daya was about 5'1, smaller than my own 5'6. She has dirty blond hair that was chopped to her shoulders, filled with various knots and tangles.
        She had a small almost chubby face... with a small nose and thin lips. She was like the opposite of me. She had on a crop top that said "Little Monster" and shorts that were red, white, and blue.
         I couldn't​ see a lot of makeup on her face, just a little bit of mascara and eye-shadow. It was like she was trying not to look so adorable, but it wasn't working.
        Just looking at her I would have guessed she was in 6th maybe 7th grade. But, in her large rants on the way over to her house, she hadn't failed to mention that she was 16, around my age. I know, crazy right?
        Realizing that Daya thought I was still listening to her, I stepped up to the door and motioned that I wanted to go inside.
          As if snapping out of a dream, she shook her head a little bit and went up to unlock the door. "It isn't much, but its a good home. Ill show you to my parents and tell them about how you saved me. By the way, why do you have such a cool outfit? You look like a ninja-" She stopped when my eyes suddenly snapped over to hers. I hate being called a ninja.
       I don't necessarily hate them, but I don't like their style. Just hiding in the shadows almost like a coward and then striking when the enemy's backs are turned. Although I cant say much when I'm a thief and used to hide in rose bushes. But still, fight enemies like real fighters, that's my style.
         My eyes soften a little bit when I realize I must have frightened her with my cold glare and I nod my head towards the door.
       I am seriously not good with other people, sometimes I think they are a whole 'nother species than me. That's how much I can communicate to them. I cant.
        She finally opens the dang door and I step in, suddenly wanting to leave when the door closes behind me. Daya stepped up in front of me and called out for her parents. I wonder if she has even noticed that I haven't talked at all yet. Probably not.
       "MOM, DAD COME HERE I WANT YOU TO MEET SOMEONE!" When they didn't come I could have sworn I heard her say "You banobos" under her breath. What's that supposed to mean?
          Finally I see her mom come down the stairs and stare at me. (Ha- the two stairs. Or should I say the two stares? Oh, never mind..)
      "Daya, who is this? And why does she look like a criminal?" I awkwardly shift on my feet and look at her carefully. I had forgotten about my suit that was, well, made for thievery. 
      "MOM! She isn't a thief silly! She saved my life. FROM THIEVES! Say hello to- Hello to... uhhh woops I don't even know your name! What is it??"
        Oh great now I have to speak. The one thing I'm NOT good at. No, I can speak. I just don't like to. I prefer to stay all dark and mysterious... yea. I awkwardly clear my throat... jeez everything is awkward today.
       "Amber." I try my hardest to not add an "uh" or "er​" in front of it. Stay dark and mysterious... perfect! My voice didn't even crack. The mom smiles and says,
      "Well hello Amber, I'm Daya's mother." I think I figured out that much. "Thank you for saving my daughter, you can call me Sarah. Come, it's dinner time."
         My stomach is growling already and I give my attempt at a smile. I don't smile much, or at all really. All I can do is hope it didn't look like some serial killer with my smile.
         As I walk into the dining room, all I can hope for is that I can stay the night and get the heck out of this weird town.
Hey guys! I'm not sure if you have noticed but the style of this story is changing a lot as it progresses. This I mainly because I am a brand new writer and I'm still attempting to find the style of writing that I am most comfortable with.
       Whether it's intense detail and mysterious sounding thoughts and descriptions, or more like a funny, relatable, and right to the point kind of writing... I am still trying to fully figure it out. 
       ☆  Hopefully I find it soon and thank you for 50 reads!! It's growing so fast and I'm excited on how far this story will go! PLEASE comment on how you have liked/disliked the story so far, it would be so helpful!
         Remember, this story is......
                □NOT EDITED□ yepo
    So of course, there will be mistakes. Feel free to point them out!
      ♧Until next time,

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