~Chapter 5~ The Encounter

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                The sound of talking fills my ears, causing me to wake up with a start. I quickly sit up, unfortunately banging my head against the metal support bar in the process. I wince but stay quiet as I hear the footsteps and voices get closer. All I can do is sit in my tent and wait.
            "What's that?" I hear one of the men ask. My breath stops in my throat and I crouch; ready to ambush them if they come and closer. I can see a bunch I legs from the crack between the tent and the ground.
               I quickly count the legs and come to the conclusion that if I'm forced to, I can fight. There are about five guys walking around. I can tell by the way they walk awkwardly and their clothes, that I can easily beat them.
       Suddenly I hear the one closest to the tent door speak up in a quiet, husky voice.
        "Looks like some old traveler's tent. More like a poor man's tent." This just made my blood boil. It was our choice to be poor, we decided to only take what we need to survive. Still, listening to this disgusting man's words just made me want to jump out, tell "SURPRISE," and kill them right there!
          "Maybe there's something in there we can take. Besides, it couldn't hurt to take a peon's stuff anyways."
          I slowly narrow my eyes at his words, a look of murder in my eyes. I quietly slide my sword out as the thief slowly opened the tent door. Right when I see his head poke out to look inside, I take this chance to gracefully fly out of the tent, elbowing the man on my way past. All of the men, who were backed up and scattered, looked surprised for a second but soon took out their weapons.
          "Well, well, well... what do we have here? You seem all dressed up and fancy." Gesturing at my suit, he shows a vicious grin complete with yellow and black teeth. He continues as his gang starts to close in around me. "How about we make this simple? Just leave whatever you have and that sword of yours with us." His gaze sets on my sword that my hand is clutching tightly. "Then we will let you go unharmed."
           I keep my eyes on him, but still watch from my peripheral vision as the men close around me. About 2 feet away from me, a man with a red bandana around the lower half of his face reach out, ready to grab me. I quickly analyze the movements of them a notice their sloppy, uncoordinated behavior. I definitely  won't be needing a sword for this. I quickly put away my swords and stand there, waiting to strike.
          Right before bandana man touches me with those gross, yellow nailed grimy hands, I stepped to the right of his arm, grabbing his elbow and wrist with lightning fat speed.
          Before he can even let out a cry of surprise, I bend his elbow in causing his body to unwillingly follow the elbow, preventing a break. Once he is bent over I flip him, slamming him hard on the ground knocking him out cold.
        I note how slow his friends reacted and quickly leap to the next guy, using their confusion and sluggish movements to my advantage. He tries to throw a weak punch, but I simply catch his fist with my small but strong hands.
        All he does is stare at my hand as it encloses around his fist. I abruptly pull his arm in a awkward angle, a loud pop filling my ears. He cries out in pain and I quickly punch him in the throat, ready for the rest off the men.
         Suddenly, I sense someone behind me a with a flash I turn around and get down to dodge a fist. With my hands set firmly on the dry ground, I sweep my feet under him, causing him to fall into a collapsed heap.
         I quickly grab him by the shirt, slamming him back to the ground to make sure he stays there. As I pull away from him, I jabbed my elbow out to my right, successfully hitting someone who was trying to ambush me in the face, breaking his nose.
        With a satisfied smile I turn away from him only to feel a knife swinging at me from behind. Quickly doing a flip I narrowly dodge the knife, and land gracefully on the ground, my eyes locking on my next target. Target? More like punching bag. These guys were just plain pathetic!
          This particular dude actually managed to pull out a knife, probably while I was having fun beating the cheap out of his mates. I carefully watch his arm and espy where it is aimed, easily doing a quick backflip to avoid it. When I land I look back, realizing that I happend to have landed on some guys face who was getting ready to stab me.
       Disappointed in myself that I hadn't had sensed it coming, I quickly kick him again for good measure and face my attacker again.
           I let out a small smile and swiftly feint punching knife dude in the face. He dodges it by crouching down, but unfortunately meets my knee in the process. Ouch. That's gotta hurt. Calculated.
            I slowly look up from the fourth guy, a familiar triumphant smirk on my face. Wait. Fourth. There was five! I automatically duck my head and milliseconds later I hear a faint whistle from behind. A muffled thud emits from the long jagged knife hitting the tree in front of me, right where my hooded head was. Nice try.
                 Turning around, I see the first guy, the leader from before who had talked all business and tough like. Ha! Who's tough now sucker? Where are your little gang members now??
          He throws another knife with lightning fast speed and deadly accuracy. Almost as good as me...

When I was 4.

And it was my first time.

           I  notice that it's aimed form my stomach and in a split second I jump into the air, narrowly dodging it yet again. With a small flip to dodge yet another knife, I land back on my feet.
        Seeing that he is right handed and that he has a different and in effective way of throwing it that will surely doom him in close range combat, I use this knowledge and dash to the right only to dodge left when he threw a knife. Right where I expected it to be.
             Before he can react I kick him right where I know ur hurts. He grunted and bends down automatically, giving me the perfect time to grab his head and slam it to my knee.
      Blood rushed out of his nose and he slowly collapsed into a heap, joining his other miserable friends.
           As I step away, blood on my beautiful suit (ugh) I can't help but look at them in disgust. I know that I as once a thief, but to steal from a potentially and truthfully poor person is just too much.
              Deciding to leave them there for nature to deal with them I walk away dramatically, imagining an explosion behind me as I walk. But of course, I forgot my tent so I had to go back awkwardly staring at the men on the floor in pain as I packed up my things. But before I leave I had one last thing to say,

                 "Not even close dumbasses" (Excuse my French)

♧Hey guys! How's everything today? I'm finally done with this chapter and let me just say, it was the most fun chapter to write ever! Don't forget to follow me and share this book if you like it! Also, check out my other book that I started earlier, The Mystic Elementalist- Water. I plan on it being a part of a large series so please check I out!
Love you all,

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