Chapter 6- Discovering Something New

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          After my violent encounter with the thieves, I continue down the forest path towards the nearest town. Thinking back on it started to make me think, they were thieves, like me. Or were they like me? I just steal what I need to survive... but they stole out of greed. So am I some sort of "good" thief?
          I keep telling myself that, as if it would make me a good person... when the truth is I'm just some typical thief. One that lives worse than others because she only took what she desperately needed. I'm not some "good" thief. And I finally understand that. But of course, it doesn't matter anymore. I am done with my past ways of survival and I will join the League of Legends to make a living.
          Satisfied for the first time in my whole life, I let go of my thoughts and continue walking through the forest towards the next town.
           As I walk along the dirt path, I notice strange things happening. At one point I noticed a medium sized rock blocking the path, laying in front of me. Tired and legs full of lead from the 12 hours or endless walking, I merely wished that the rock went away with all of my might- too lazy to step over it.
        That's when the first real strange thing happened. As I come at least two feet away from the motionless rock, I ended up wishing it to be gone more and more. I began getting desperate as I came closer and closer. Just before I came to the point of lifting my foot, (pure agony) the rock was pulled down under the ground, and away from sight. That confusing occurrence just resulting in my head starting to hurt, and I soon fell over and dosed off from exhaustion.
              My dry throat immediately made my sleepy eyes snap open, and I realize how long I had slept right smack in the middle of the dirt trail. I get up slowly, my eyes annoyingly not wanting to open all the way yet. As I open my small pack and reach in, a certain event including a rock took up my mind.
         I quickly looked behind me and there was no rock where it used to be. Instead, there was a small circular indent on the ground showing where it had sunk and disappeared from sight. Shaking my head, feeling the headache coming again, I pull out my small bottle. Inside it was completely dry. Not a speck of water. Wait, did I even remember to fill it up? I suddenly recall just shoving it in my pack before running off and I had not even bothered to actually put water in it. That means I went all day yesterday without water. Crap.
           My throat feels like I'm dying and I lick my lips, trying to find a solution. An idea pops into my head that made me completely question my sanity. I guess the lack of water was getting to my head. What if I... willed water to appear?  That idea made me want to bang my head against the wall just knowing how stupid it was. I remembered the rock incident, but that doesn't mean I'm some sort of god and can make water magically appear. What do I think I am, some sort of elementalist from a fantasy book? But it's not like I have any other options... Oh well, I guess I'll give it a shot.
        Concentrating on the old water bottle in my hand, I gather all of the willpower a dying of thirst ex-thief can gather. I even start hovering my hand over it, like that's going to do something. I think how I did with the rock, desperate and in need. Slowly I began to feel something in my hand. It was a strange tingling feeling running down my fingers.
          It felt natural and oddly satisfying. I felt power surging through my hand, and watched as the bottle filled up with crystal clear water, all the way to the brim. Then I felt a weird feeling on my back. Warm but had a some sort of cold feeling at the same time. I couldn't understand it and just reached behind my back and pulled out my sword.
           There, glowing in front of me was my blade... glowing in bright blue light. Small water streams swirled around my sword, looking both peaceful and violent. All I could do was stand there shocked, holding the sword out in front of me. Have I just randomly gained water powers? Seems like it. Looks like earth powers too... how does this even happen? An idea comes to my head and I start making my way to a clearing in the forest.
         In order to be sure, I needed to test my newfound abilities, and possibly enhance it with practice. This could definitely take me to a whole new level, and make fighting in the league easy, or at least easier than it already is gonna be. I find a clearing, and find a slight bounce in my step as I swiftly walk over to it. I guess I can't blame myself for not being so tough and cold right now, after all, I am possibly learning a new ability.
            As I walk into the field I see a large boulder sitting in the middle, as if it knew what I needed. I guess I should test my ground bending first. Taking out my sword, I raise it in front of me in a ready position, thinking about how I'm going to pull this off. Imagine how I felt back when I made the rock disappear, and shake my head at the cost.
        Having to conjure up so much emotion and using up so much time just made me feel like it wasn't right. Plus, I hated feeling desperate and in need. I have survived so far alone staying strong and independent, and I cant go around acting all desperate and weak when I want to perform a dueling move. I definitely need a new way of getting it out.
       I try thinking about all of the people I have defeated and how easy it was to defeat them. Thinking strong might help. Never mind. I think about my father and how strong he was, but also caring. Nothing. I try thinking about the old man who sent me on this ridiculous journey in the first place. I'll give you 3 guesses and the first two don't count on what happened... nothing.
      Ready to give up and just use it when I need to move a rock out of my way, I even think about food. Yea, food. Nothing, zilch, zip, nada.
          As I slowly put my sword down I give out a loud sigh. All of the excitement for nothing. Why can't I be happy for once? I think about my small little sister who is like an angel while I'm like a devil. A devil who sacrifices so much for the angel, but is never noticed. I know the league will definitely have me noticed. Is that really what I want though? What will I do if I can't even handle the League? Go back empty handed and start stealing again?
        All of these questions just keep bugging me. I cant live like that... not anymore. I have to make it in the league​, I know it! Thinking about my little sister I begin to turn away. I'm suddenly reminded of my mother, the frail ghostly woman who I hate with everything I have. I'm now worried as I think about how they are doing. How are they going to survive without me?
       Refilled with determination I start to walk away and back to the trail, ready to continue on my journey to the league. That is, until I feel a familiar feeling in my hand. Looking down I see my sword being surrounded with hard shards of rock floating around instead of water.
        There were about 6 different stones, each looking dangerous enough to do some heavy damage if not kill. I quickly turn around and sprint back over to the rock.
           I raise my sword once more and hit the rock. I can already tell I do more damage and watch in amazement as the deadly shards of rock fly towards the boulder in lightning fast speed, slicing through and exploding it in a million different pieces. I grin in excitement and rush towards a tree, hitting and slicing it, doing flips and dashing in between hits.
          After three powerful hits, I yelp in surprise as a rock barrier forms out of no where and slammed together, protecting me. Or at least, I hope it is protecting me. The rock shield spun around continuously around me, and I yelled a battle cry, a rush of adrenaline and excitement pumping through me, and start slicing through every tree, and every rock, feeling amazing with each strike.
         I ran up to a big boulder about as tall as me, my shield finally gone because of a few
rock pieces flying at me when the boulders exploded.
       Remembering how it protected me gave me a proud feeling. When the first rock had hit, I had flinched in fear.... it was a deadly shard and probably would have ruined my weekend. But then I heard a boom and watched as multiple shards hit my shield, causing it to expand. Before I could react the shield exploded, doing no damage to me but shattering a lot of nearby rocks.
                   Anyways, here I am standing in front of thee large boulder, pretty much​ the last on left. I want to try out the water ability, and I hope it works as well as my ground one. Raising my sword in front of me, I close my eyes and think about my family back home, and how I am doing all of this for them.
      It only took half a second, and my sword soon grew warm as water burst around it- replacing the rock. My eyes follow the water streams which are swirling around the sword in a fast pace. The sword is also now glowing a deep sea blue color. I slowly backed up until I was a good five feet away.
        I raised my sword in front of me, slanted sideways, and dashed towards the rock- jumping into the air. I did a long front flip in the air, bursting me forward even more, slinging water off of my sword  which pierced through the rock. I land right in the middle of the boulder, going straight down the center of it, splitting and smashing it.
         When I landed on the ground, water spread out in a shockwave from my sword, knocking all of the rock bits off the ground. I then jumped up, slicing them mid air and landed back on my feet. All around me bits of rock rained down, and I noticed my newly formed rock shield from my earlier three attacks block them.
             I turned around as I walked out and looked at the clearing. It was definitely more of a clearing now than before, bits of rock were all over that ground and trees were laying on their sides all sliced up and broken.    
        Looking down at my sword in my hand another smile grew on my face. I have never smiled so much... scratch that I have pretty much NEVER smiled before. Ever since my father died I didn't have the reason to. But now I felt like the happiest person on earth. And all I could think of when I turned away was: THIS. IS. AWESOME.

Hey guys! Candice here... and I'm finally done with another chapter! Yes, I know I have been gone for like 10 years :P. But I'm finally writing again and I swear, writing this chapter was so much fun! Make sure you give me feedback on spelling mistakes, story ideas, and just tips in general. If something doesn't quite read smoothly, don't be afraid to tell me! Remember, this is <>UNEDITED<>  and I plan on editing when I'm done or half way through.
Also I need you guys to answer something for me...
>You know how every champion has a little text about them? Example: Yasuo The Unforgiven. What should Amber be?
Amber The __________
~ You guys choose! If I end up writing one before anyone can suggest I may change it, since it will probably be better than whatever crap I come up with. Thank You all for reading!

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