~Chapter 1~ Survival is Key

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The picture above is Amber in her suit and sword.

           Walking down the path of my village has always given me a sense of pleasure. I can't really describe it, but I can say that I feel free. Free to think what I want. Free to voice my concerns because no one in this stupid village can hear. Free from people and myself. When I walk, I like to imagine... Dig into my creativity and come up with a whole new reality.
        I'm a lonely person yes, but I have grown used to it. I have a family, but we have nothing to say to each other except for somewhat polite exchanges. The real truth that hangs in the room is that I'm the one that keeps this "family" alive. My family is poor, very poor. So poor we cry if we drop a piece of food on the floor. We go days and maybe weeks without food and little water when I can't provide it. I love escaping this fact by walking down this rough gravel path, and forgetting it all.

              Some of you may be wondering, why am I - a 17 year old girl- the only reason my family is alive? Truth is, I steal. I was raised by my father, who is gone from this world now, to steal only what I need and nothing more. At the time I only thought of it fair, for I was suffering and the people I was stealing from had plenty.
      Yes... I know its wrong but how else will I keep my frail, ghoulish looking mother, and my sister- who looks so painfully like my father, alive?
      Stealing isn't easy, and I have known that for the 10 years that I have come to steal. I get in fights with strong, healthy people and I wouldn't survive if it wasn't for my..... Abilities.

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