morning bath

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The following morning came far too soon for Zayn, crying echoed through the baby monitor and he already had a bet on which one of his sons it was. He quietly climbed out of bed, careful not to wake his snoozing husband, and clicked the monitor off.

He made his way down the hall, dreading the smell he was far too familiar with; urine. "Niall I told you, you're just not ready to not wear a pull up through out the night." Zayn said as he lifted the crying and wet toddler from his bed. "And I just gave you a bath last night."

Niall wiped his eyes and snuggled into Zayn's shoulder; still hazy from sleep and just wanting comfort. "Oiii I don't need to smell like piss too." Zayn said and held the toddler out in front of him with extended arms. "I fucking told Liam this would happen, no one ever listens."

Niall remained quiet, not wanting to upset his papa anymore than he had already, laying limp in his grip.
"Well Cmon then, another bath we go, can't imagine what the water bill will look like if you keep this up." Zayn grumbled.

He carried Niall to Liam and his bathroom, careful not to make too much noise, running the bath water and setting Niall on the floor. "Now we have to be quiet, everyone is asleep; everyone who doesn't wet the bed that is." Zayn said while stripping Niall of his drenched clothes. "But papa you're awake too." Niall mumbled.

At the comment, Zayn grabbed the toddlers wrist and slapped his small hand. "Yes, i'm awake! Not because l wet to bed but because my kid can't grow up and go one night without doing so!"

At Zayn's raised voice the bathroom door creaked open. "Zaynie, everything okay in here?" Liam's voice came from the doorway where he saw a naked and upset Niall, clutching his hand. "Yeah babe, go back to sleep, Nialls just about to get a bath." Zayn said with a sweet smile.

Liam hesitated. "I'm not that tired, let me help you." he said reaching for the toddler. "No Li, you're gonna hurt yourself." Zany said, pulling Niall out of his reach. "Go back to bed, we'll be out in a little."
Niall looked scared to death, probably ready to pee his pants again, silently pleading to his daddy not to leave.

"Okay then, Niall can go back to sleep in our bed after his bath, please bring him to me Zaynie." Liam said kissing each boy on the forehead and walking out after Zayn nodded to him.
"Okay Niall, let's make this quick."

After Niall was squeaky clean and his hair was partially dry, Zayn dressed him in new pajamas, taking his morning pill while he was already in the bathroom. "Cmon then, let's go see daddy." he said as he led the toddler to the bed Liam occupied.

The trio cuddled up together, ready to sleep in for the rest of the morning, that is until cries came from the baby monitor again.

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