in the dark

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When he got to the house the front door was unlocked. He entered hesitantly, calling out Liam's name from the entryway so he didn't scare him. 

No one answered. 

All the lights were off downstairs and Zayn began to worry. He had just spoke with Liam on the phone, surely he was still here? 

He braved his way up the stairs to the bedroom they once shared, knocking softly on the door, "Liam, are you in there?" 

He heard a muffled voice from behind the wooden structure in response. 

"Liam, I'm coming in," Zayn yelled before turning the knob and slowly pushing the bedroom door open. 

And thats when he saw his husband for the first time since many long dreadful months. Sitting on the bed, in the dark, with ...

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