goodbye Zayn

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Zayn was stood outside his apartment waiting for the boys' arrival to his new rental. At the conclusion of every week, when Friday evening finally rolled around, he was always hopeful. He would sit outside on the step, eager to see a vehicle pull into the parking lot. 

Of course, he was excited to see the boys, but he couldn't help every time his heart sank a little when the vehicle entering the parking lot to drop them off wasn't Liams. 

He used to look forward to catching a glimpse of Liam at pick ups and drop offs, trying to get in as many words as possible. He would do his best to keep it casual and make small talk while still respecting Liam's space, but evidently he ended up taking it too far because Liam no longer attended the drop offs and pick ups. 

Liam's mom did instead... 

And if Zayn thought Liam held a tough grudge before, nothing could compare to the cold shoulder that Karen Payne gave him. 

At first, she didn't mutter a single word to him at their weekly meetings. She would speak to the boys as if Zayn wasn't even there, telling them to have a good time and to be safe, making sure to tell them what time she would be picking them up on Sunday loud enough so Zayn could hear. 

This was really hurtful at first because Zayn had always considered Liam's family his family, but Zayn didn't blame her. 

He deserved it all and more. 

As the months went on, Karen seemed to be a little more tolerable to Zayn. Eventually giving him the decency of a quick hello and goodbye. But that was about the extent of their relationship at this point.

This time, after the boys said their goodbyes and Zayn had successfully gotten them all inside, he called after her before she had the chance to get back into her car. 

"Karen, please wait," he said as he left the steps and approached her car. 

She glanced up at him, an expression of surprise crossing her face briefly before it turned back to a cold frown. She didn't say anything in response but met his eyes, silently indicating that she was waiting for what Zayn had to say next.

He cleared his throat nervously before he spoke, "Can you at least tell me how he's doing?"  

She crossed her arms around her chest before she replied, "Do you actually care?"

Zayn's heart sank once again.

"Karen, you know I do," he muttered, trying to keep his eyes from watering. 

Her face seemed to soften ever so slightly and she let out a quiet sigh before she spoke, "He's doing okay."

Zayn was relieved to hear her answer the question, but couldn't help but to push her for more, "And what does 'okay' mean?"

"It means he is doing his best to keep his head above water Zayn," she said shortly. "I would love to report to you that he is doing just fine without you, but I would be lying." 

A single tear fell down Zayn's cheek. He wasn't sure how to take that. A selfish part of him was glad to hear that it wasn't easy for Liam either, but the part that shared a deep love for the man was hurt by the sentence, "Does he talk to you about it much? Is he talking to someone at least?" 

Karen placed her palm to her face and shook her head, "He doesn't say much." 

Zayn nodded in understanding, taking a few moments to build up the courage to ask his next question. "Do you think you could tell him I'd like to have a conversation?" 

Karen ignored the question, seeming to be done with the Q/A, and climbed into the driver's seat of the car, turning the key to start the ignition. "I'll be back at 4:30 on Sunday to pick them up. Goodbye Zayn."

Zayn stood where he was a few minutes longer in the middle of the parking lot pondering the conversation that just took place. 

He really hoped Liam was okay. 

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