Chapter 21: Drinking . . . Again

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I've waited a week to see if I would hear from Shawn, but I haven't. I never thought I would lose him. I was definitely wrong, I guess. I was told though that, 'The person that promises to be here for you will no longer listen for your contact. The only way to get that persons attention is to confront them face to face.' Maybe that maybe the only way to get him again. I don't know how this is going to, but I'm hoping well.

Me: "Cammie what are you doing today?"

Cameron: "Actually I'm going to work with you!"

Me: "Did I say you could? I'm just kidding, I would love to have you there!"

Cameron: "I thought so." We both laughed. "So has Shawn texted or called you back at all?"

Me: "No. I honestly have no idea what's happening."

Cameron: "Honey it's going to be okay."

Me: "I didn't ignore him when you and I started dating."

Cameron: "He was jealous though."

Me: "That was his own fault; he had his chance."

Cameron: "Although that is true. Some people don't realize that until it is gone."

Me: "So I'm an it now?"

Cameron: "That's not what I meant."

Me: "Sorry, it's the pregnancy making me moody."

Cameron: "I'd rather moody Kayla than no Kayla at all."

Me: "Why are you in such a good mood?"

Cameron: "Because I get to read what you have so far on your story."

Me: "No you don't!"

Cameron: "Can I at least know what the title is?"

Me: "No!"

I grabbed his hand, and we walked to work.

Cameron: "You're pregnant! How did you get here so fast?"

Me: "Cameron, I know how to get places."

Cameron: "Okay." He rolled his eyes.

Me: "You did not just do that."

All the guys walked in.

Cameron: "Oh, but I did. What are you going to do about it?"

I walked over to Aaron and traced around his chin and looked into his eyes. I looked back at Cameron, and started to walk off.

Cameron: "She bad!" I laughed and went to the break room.

Cameron's P.O.V:

Me: "I'll let it slide this time, but don't look at my girl like that again. I love you bro, but she's mine."

Aaron looked kind of scared.

Kayla's P.O.V:

I saw Shawn, and I wanted to scream. He was in here alone, and texting someone.

Me: "So I guess someone is more important than our friendship. Well that's nice to know, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Shawn: "I won't leave."

Me: "Well I don't want you here!"

We both got quiet, and Cameron came running in along with Nicole, Madison, Mahogany, and the Jacks.

Mahogany: "What is going on in here?"

Cameron: "He was on the phone and Kayla has been trying to talk to him since we got back from Texas. Kayla was mad when she saw and told him to leave."

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