Chapter 17

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Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please READ THE AUTHOR'S NOTE AT THE END OF THIS CHAPTER!!!!!

Once again, if it's in italics, it's in someone's head. 



I sit motionless in Simmons's room, trying to remain as quiet as possible. After Mac's party, Simmons, Bobbi, and I all came to Simmons's house for a slumber party. 

Some slumber party. They both fell asleep before midnight. I likely would be asleep, but my active mind seems to have other plans. I just can't stop thinking about what Simmons and Bobbi said. 

Ward can't be that bad. He seems so nice. 

I gently play with the small piece of paper in my hands. Folding and unfolding it. Gliding my fingers along it's smooth surface. Unfolding it, once again, I look down to see the Ward's number made slightly less visible by the many creases I created in the paper. 

I glance at Bobbi and Simmons, who both look to be in a peaceful slumber. 

What if they're right? I don't want to be Ward's next bimbo. 

Usually, I would go with my gut, but Simmons and Bobbi have been at the Academy longer than I have. And, they both have more experience when it comes to being in a relationship. Simmons has been in a healthy relationship with a boy named Leo Fitz for almost eight months, now. And Bobbi.....well.....she's been on and off with a guy named Lance Hunter for about a year. That's still better than me, though. The only relationship I've ever had was with a man named Miles. The relationship only lasted for three weeks, he was a huge jerk, and he broke my heart. 

The last thing I want to do is get in another relationship like that. And, Bobbi and Simmons make it seem like that is exactly what I would be getting with Ward. 

Groaning in frustration, I put the now mangled piece of paper back into my purse and lay down. The best thing to do right now is try to steady my restless mind and get some sleep. 


I wake up peacefully to the intoxicating aroma of bacon and eggs. That is one of the best things about the weekend: You wake up on your own time, knowing you can do pretty much whatever your heart desires. During a weekday, you get wake up to the sound of a piercing alarm clock, and you are immediately crushed by the dreadful realization that you have to sit for hours on end, listening to teachers give lectures on things you couldn't possibly care less about. 

How fun. 

Thankfully, today is not one of those days. It's Saturday. The best day of the week. 

I leap out of bed and race to check my phone, however, to my displeasure, Skye hasn't called or texted me, yet. 

That's alright. It's still early. Skye's probably not up, yet. 

I did receive at text from Hunter, though. 

LH: What happened last night? I can't remember a thing. 

GW: You got really drunk at Mac's party. I had to bring you home. I also received a fantastic lecture from your mother on 'drinking responsibly'. Thanks for that. -_-

LH: Ha! Sorry, mate. If it makes you feel any better, I've got a pounding headache. 

GW: You know what, that does make me feel better. 

LH: If I recall correctly, you seemed to be having a good time with that new girl, Skye. 

My heart flutters at the very mention her name. Christian is right. I've got it bad. 

GW: Yes. As a matter of fact, we were having a very good time, until you stumbled in and ruined it. 

LH: Sorry. I guess I drank too much. 

GW: You don't say. 

LH: Well, I've gotta go. It sounds like my mom wants to fill me in on that lecture I missed. 

GW: Good. See ya. 

I put my phone down and decide to take a shower before eating breakfast. 

I'm sure Skye will call later. 


Author's Note (PLEASE READ):

Hi, guys! 

So before I get to the important part, I just want to apologize for taking FOREVER to post this update. I will try and update more regularly from now on. 

Anyway, on to the important thing.....I POSTED A NEW STORY!!!!! 

It's not a Skyeward story. It's actually about the Maximoff Twins (Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver). It is the origin story of Wanda and Pietro told from Wanda(Scarlet Witch)'s point of view. 

I would really appreciate it if you guys would check it out, and tell me what you think. 

It's a completed story written into three long parts. Just a warning, I wrote the first part a year before I wrote the other two, so it may not be as well written. But, please don't be deterred by that because parts two and three are very well written. I wrote it for English class. 

Thank you!   

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