Chapter 18

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Author's Note: This is going to be a super short chapter. I need you guys to comment and tell me if you want Skye to give in and call Ward, or if you think she should keep her distance until Ward confronts her about it. 



Sighing, I put on the next episode of Game of Thrones. Lance introduced me to the show a couple of days ago, and I've got to admit, it's really good. I''m still on season one, but I can already see myself binge watching all six seasons. 

I can't help but glance at my phone every few seconds praying that Skye will contact me. I know that the party was only yesterday, however, I really want to talk to her, again. 

Why hasn't she called me, yet? Did I say something wrong? Does she not like me anymore? Has she decided that I'm not worth her time?

Pushing those thoughts to the side, I turn back to the screen just in time to see the person that seemed like the main character suddenly gET HIS FREAKING HEAD CHOPPED OFF!

"......Well that was unexpected," I mutter in shock. 

(A/N: To those of you have watched Game of Thrones, you know what I'm talking about. To those of you who haven't, I literally just summed up the entire show for you.) 


My entire body freezes. 

My phone just went off......

Shooting toward my nightstand, I grab my phone and almost fall of the bed. Checking the screen, I read:

Unknown Number: Hey, is this Ward? 

Typing as fast as I possibly can, I reply: 

GW: Yes. Who is this?

Unknown Number: This is Kara, baby! ;)

My face goes white, and I feel every ounce of excitement drain from my body, sheer dread taking it's place. I fall limp on my bed. Staring at the ceiling, I try and cope with the rapid mood swing. In case you're wondering what this feels like, imagine that your parents came into your room with the puppy you've been asking for for years. And just as they're about to hand it to you, they pull it away and put a cold-blooded, venomous snake in your room, instead. 

And that cold-blooded, venomous snake's name is Kara.  

GW: How did you get this number? 

K: Mac gave it to me at his party. I know you keep meaning to give it to me, but you're always busy, so I just decided to ask one of your friends. Now we can talk all the time, babe!

GW: Don't call me babe, Kara. We are not dating. 

I block her number before she can respond. That was one of the biggest disappointments of my life. 

I guess it's still early.......There's still time for Skye to call. 


Author's Note (I NEED OPINIONS):

Hello, people!

I would very much appreciate it if you guys would comment, and tell me whether you want Skye to give in and call Ward, or if you want her to keep her distance until Ward confronts her about it. PLEASE VOTE!!!!

Thank you!

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