Chapter Four--The New Guy

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A long chapter? Horray! Hope you like the fun going on in this scene. Looking forward to hearing your comments. Thanks for reading. :)

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My feet slid and squeaked against the floor as I rounded the corner running with my bag's weight tugging on my shoulders. The doorway to class was still open. I can make it!

The shrill of the bell sounded.

Nooo! I watched in horror as five fingers wrapped the edge of the door. Chloe peeked into the hall, smirked, and started to close the door.

Only three feet away. I press my sneakers into the floor, held my breath and threw my arm through the tiny crack. The wood crushed my flesh with a thud. I winced and tried not to gasp in pain. I thrust the rest of my body through the gap, forcing it open. 

Standing inside the room, I rubbed my throbbing arm and glanced down. An angry purple line already marred my pale skin.

"Oh, Tessa," Chloe said in an apologetic tone. "I should've looked before I shut the door." She held her hand to her chest feigning concern. "Are you okay?"

If this were drama class, even I would've given her an A plus for her performance. God, why was I ever friends with her? She's such a—

"Miss Brackstone. You're late." Mrs. Kennedy adjusted her glasses and tapped her watch.

"But—I made it before the door closed," I squeaked out, holding up my arm to prove my claim.

"The bell marks the start of class Miss Brackstone, not the closing of its door." She picked up a piece of chalk from the tray. "Now, unless you care to add to your existing detention, then I trust you can find your seat.

"Figures. Teacher's pet equals no punishment," Chloe said under her breath. She stormed past me knocking her shoulder into mine as she passed.

I scanned the sea of desks for mine. Wynter caught my attention, she waved and gave me a sympathetic expression. She nudged her head toward my seat like she was trying to warn me about something.

Following her directions, I looked over at my empty desk next to her. I was about to give her my, I have no idea what you're talking about look when I realized the spot in front of mine wasn't vacant.

I gasped when I saw him. A drool worthy God had plunked himself in Jake's chair and lounged in the seat as if he owned it. He must have heard me when I walked by because he looked up and smirked like my reaction was the typical response he got from the female population. It was hard to miss how his dark lashes framed his emerald eyes, making them stand out and sparkle.

Like a dumb ass, I passed by him with my mouth hanging open in shock. When my brain finally rebooted from its lapse in function, I shut my mouth and slid into my chair. I wanted to bang my head against my desk not sit in it. Ugh, he's gonna think I'm fangirling over him.

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