Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

The front door was open, and I dashed through it. I was greeted by the scent of the forest and a cool breeze that whipped my hair back. My wolf pushed forward and I leaped, shifting midair, and took off running on four paws. I went straight into the forest, dodging trees and the underbrush.

My claws dug into the ground as I ran, leaves crunching and twigs snapping underpaw. The urge to howl was strong but I had to control it. If I howled, then Declan would be alerted that I had left. All hell would break loose, so best to avoid that.

I can't believe he denied me a run. He should know that if a wolf doesn't shift for a long time, it becomes bloodthirsty and savage. I was close, I could feel it, which is why I had to leave the castle. My wolf demanded control and I allowed her to come out. I was pushed into my subconscious, where I got to see my brother again.

For two hours, I created scenes that starred my old pack, except for Cam. I imagined what they were doing now, how they were getting along and if there were more mated pairs by now. My brother had mated and impregnated Serendipity in my fantasy. I got to pretend that I was an aunt, but that didn't change the fact that I really missed them.

I was brought back into control when my wolf was sated and that's when I heard it. The cries of pain from a child. I dug into the ground and took off in that direction. Rounding a tree, my wolf came face-to-face with Hunter. He was crying and at the sight of me, rushed forward to throw his arms around my wolf's neck.

Bones cracked and I curled around him protectively, pushing my nose into his hair. He cried out once more before he collasped, twitching on the ground. I was shocked to realize that this four-year old was shifting for the first time. My maternal instincts kicked in and I stood over him in a defensive stance, watching out for any threats.

A tiny black pup wobbled out to lay between my front paws. I studied him only to notice that the tip of its tail and its paws were white. Gently, I nudged his head with my nose and laid down, bringing him towards me.

After a few moments, he stretched and started batting at my ear with his little paws. I watched him with one eye as he barked at me. He dashed off a few feet, then looked back at me, asking me to bring him for a run. I got to my feet and barked for him to take the lead, which he gladly did.

Hunter ran clumsily, but still managed to avoid an injury, for which I was glad. We ended up at a lake and he jumped in, spashing and panting as he gave me a wolfy grin. I sat down and watched him amuse himself.

My adopted pup came up to me, dripping wet and snuggled into my side. I licked him dry and then felt him fall asleep, so I picked him up in my mouth and ran back to the castle. Using my paw, I pushed the door open and snuck up to his room and placed him on top of his bed, dragging a blanket over his little body for warmth. After making sure he was okay, I went back outside and to the lake.

Laying down on the shore, I rested my head on my paws and studied the water as the reflection of clouds passed over it. Across the way, I watched as a doe and her baby came out to drink, the buck standing in the forest a little ways off, wary of danger. He saw me and I raised my head, then turned it to look away and show I wasn't interested in him or his family.

Growing bored and restless, I got to my feet and pranced into the trees. I trudged around until I found something that caught my interest. A vampire was wrestling with a wild wolf and won because he tore its head clean off, shocking me to the core. I didn't think they were so ruthless, but then I saw its eyes.

The bright red orbs latched onto me and it bared its fangs. I growled at the rogue vamp and stood up taller, trying to intimidate him. He sniffed, then smirked evilly, creeping closer to me while I watched him warily.

"Well, look at the werewolf. A little far from home aren't you? You are trespassing on vampire land."

I shifted back to human form and snarled. "You are a rogue. You are trespassing on King Gideon's land."

He hissed at me, so I retaliated, hissing back while baring my vamp fangs. His eyes went wide and he stumbled back, fear radiating off of him. "You, you're the Feared One. The impossible child. You shouldn't exist."

"Well, I do. Now, do I need to remind you? You are trespassing on Father's land."

"King Gideon is your father?" He gulped before bowing and then running off.

I watched him leave and then started walking back to the castle. I stuffed my hands in my pockets before realizing that my clothes were on me. Cool, my clothes don't rip to shreds anymore when I shift. Benefits of being me, I guess.

When I entered the castle, Declan was standing there, arms crossed and face blank. Shit, I got caught. I smiled sheepishly and looked away from him. He stormed up to me and stared me down, his muscles flexing in an attempt to control himself and not explode at me.

"Where have you been?"


"What did I tell you about leaving without protection?"

"To not do it. But Declan-"

"So you blatantly disobeyed me."

I frowned. "Do you not understand werewolves at all? My wolf needed to get out."

"Legna, I told you-"

"No, it's my turn to talk. If a wolf needs to get out, it gets out. When a wolf remains cooped up, it becomes savage. If I hadn't left for a run, I would have snapped and gone bloodthirsty, killing innocent people all in my desire to get outside. So next time I say I need to go for a run, I will not get any objections from you unless you want to risk people's lives. Got it?"

He stared at me, studying my face. Finally he sighed and wrapped his arms around me.

"Got it."

"Hey Declan?" I pushed back so that I could see his face. "Wanna go for a run?"

He chuckled and moved us towards the door. "I thought you'd never ask."

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