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Men and women in business suits from all over the globe sit around a large table in a sterile, white, room. Their eyes are fixed on a tall, slender young man, dressed in all white at the head of the table. In his hand, a long stick, circling graphs and pointing at numbers. He turns down the lights and presents a hologram of 3d blue prints for a sophisticated device.

"Any further questions before we end the meeting?" Gladion asks the powerful people in front of him.

There is a long pause before he nods and says, "You are free to leave then, thank you for your consideration."

Gladion waits for the room to clear, smiling, nodding, and shaking hands as people filter out. He grabs his brief case and turns the lights off behind him before heading through the bustling lobby. Despite his charming smile and friendly demeanor, he feels incredibly empty inside. He quickly dodges the view of his assistant, slipping into the breakroom for a desperately needed coffee break.

A genuine smile forms on his face when he notices the back of Mohn's head, his sun-bleached hair pokes out just above the high-backed sofa. Gladion pours himself a cup of coffee and takes a seat next to his father.

Mohn turns to Gladion. His eyes narrow as he watches the seemingly arrogant president carefully sip the steaming hot coffee.

"I'm waiting!" Mohn snaps.

"Soon. I promise..."

"Yeah, you keep saying that, but I want a date!" Mohn says, nearly shouting.

"Okay. How about the winter solstice?" Gladion asks, trying to hold back the rush of feelings swelling inside.

"That's next week!" Mohn exclaims happily.

"It is," Gladion chirps happily as he blows the steam from his cup, "I know it's taking longer than you had hoped, but I'm very excited to introduce you to your family...they are ready now."

"Thank you. Thank you!" Mohn cries.

"That's odd..." says a nearby office worker as he turns up the volume of the TV.

"We have a confirmed sighting of Tapu Koko at the base of Mount Lanakila, a rare event considering it's never been seen outside of Melemele Island. Locals were astonished to see the guardian show itself so blatantly in broad daylight...this is truly a once in a lifetime experience."

Gladion shutters as he watches the captured footage of Tapu Koko. Could it possibly be the sign he had pleaded for? His eyes glisten as it shoots off towards the top of the mountain and out of sight.

"...you know, Alola's new Champion is from Melemele island! Let's show that exclusive interview we had the pleasure of taking part in last night at the Champion's dinner."

The office worker mutes the TV as Ms. Wicke announces details of a staff meeting over the intercom system.

Gladion leans in closer to the TV, focusing on Moon's face displayed on the screen.

The reporters mouth is moving and Moon is turned towards her, she cocks her head and laughs. The camera zooms in, Moon's lips move inaudibly. Her large, round, eyes are shining, full of light from the afternoon sun. She looks so beautiful on screen; his heart begins to beat a little faster.

As his eyes refocus, he can now see the reflection of his face next hers on the screen, a bit of color appears on his pointy face.

"What are you doing Gladion?" Mohn sighs.

Gladion glances sheepishly at his father, "I don't even know anymore..."

"Go talk to her. Please, it's killing me." Mohn groans.

When We Were Younger. |Gladion X Moon|Pokemon Romance Novel|Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora