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The large, glass doors of the terrarium lock tightly behind Gladion as he reenters the blinding, white, halls of his childhood home. His shiny, polished shoes send a click clacking echo through the sun soaked wings of the manor.

He stops in front of a large set of wooden doors. The intricately carved mahogany and warm, brass door knobs seem severely out of place among all the white.

His eyes wander the deeply carved wood, the doors seem so much smaller than they used to be. This new perspective cuts his heart like a sharp knife. Has it really been that many years since this room was used? Blinking away tears, he takes a deep, ragged breath as he cracks open the doors.

The smell of cigar smoke still clings in the plush green carpet and long burgundy drapes, even after all these years. Gladion collapses on a nearby lounger, overwhelmed with emotion. He places his cold hand on his hot forehead.

His watery green eyes stare blankly at the dark, paneled walls, as he tries to control his composure. This room has changed so much, yet so little since he was a boy.

He sits up on the lounger and removes his socks and shoes. Closing his eyes, he buries his bare toes deep into the threads of the thick carpet. The familiar feel of the carpet between his toes is strangely soothing. For once, he feels like he's at home.

Dust floats in the air as Gladion wipes the thick layer of debris from the glass display case, exposing his father's large collection of relics and artifacts.

His father was very interested in history and archeology. Gladion fondly recalls falling asleep to his father's tales of lore and faraway lands. Cleaning his father's old study is bitter sweet for Gladion. The small spark of hope that his father is still out there extinguishes itself as Gladion slowly opens himself up to grief.

His hands begin to tremble as he wipes a small picture frame clean. Sitting down in his father's favorite chair, he hovers over it. Tear drops sprinkle the glass, through blurry eyes, Gladion mourns the loss of his family.

Remembering the good times pushes him over the edge, it's been so long since he has had the loving touch of his mother. It's almost as if she died along with his father when he disappeared. Gladion has always tried to think of her as dead, a shell of the compassionate, loving person she once was.

Wiping his eyes with the edge of his pressed, white shirt, Gladion sets the frame on top of the fireplace mantel. He carefully removes all the other decorations, leaving nothing but the picture, centered over the large fireplace. He turns quickly as he hears the heavy, brass door knobs turning behind him.

"Brother?" Lillie peeps from the hallway.

"Come in."

Lillie's large eyes swell with tears as she looks around her father's abandoned study.

Gladion wraps his arms around his sister tightly.

"This room is no longer off limits," he whispers to her softly.

She releases herself from his grasp and wanders the room for a few moments.

"It's just like I remember it. Will you be using it?"

"Yes, I think I will, but you are welcome here anytime."

"Have you told Moon yet?"

"No, please don't tell her."

"Gladion, she needs to know!"

"I will tell her, just please, give me some time with her before I break the news. I'm still processing it myself. The board is giving me some time to prepare myself before I fully take over."

When We Were Younger. |Gladion X Moon|Pokemon Romance Novel|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora