Worthless >> Kylo Ren X Reader

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"I think you will find that Ms. ________ here will not easily fall prey to your childish tricks," The General informs him. "Her records hold an astounding grasp of a number of languages. Unless you have a grasp of Ewokese, or Olys Corellisi." The General looks to the pair of you, and adds, "I have a Holo-Conference I need to attend to. If I find her dead, you will be punished, Ren." He warns Kylo Ren, and leaves you two to your own devices.

"You know the old tongue of Corellia," He comments, and moves to stand opposite you, and looks you up and down. "Impressive. Though the speakers of it have died out, and it is useless without another who knows it."

You know Kylo Ren is insulting you, and the tricks of your previous profession. "Few enough know the words, and plenty are allies of the First Order, Commander Ren." You retort calmly, and add, "If you want to taunt me more, sir, go on. We should get it done today, as we will be working together for the near future."

He shakes his head, and states, "You are not afraid of me."

You raise an eyebrow at his wording, "I don't think I should be. Even though you have a reputable anger, I think of that anger as passion. But that's why I'm here." You blink, and move to the door. "I'm here to make sure you don't passionately kill the wrong people."


You had just come back to The Finalizer from a mission with Kylo Ren, and while he was confined to the Infirmary for the last two days for his injuries (after a wrong turn, the man had taken quite a beating from a pride of Nexus), you were required to meet Captain Phasma for an occasion. Why, you were not sure other than her close association with Commander Ren but you would be late for the meeting, for no reason than you had no way than slowly navigating your way through the crowd on Deck D.

Other than it being Benduday, all you knew for the reason of the crowd was that they were celebrating the success Kylo Ren and you had accomplished. Not that you were mentioned in the official documents; in all translations of the media release of the latest treaty, General Hux took all the glory for the accomplishment. As he should; he was the head of the First Order, and all efforts were because of his leadership.

The crowd was comprised of officers, technicians, and Stormtroopers, and because you were shorter, you had trouble seeing over most them in the process of wading through to the important meeting you were sure to miss at the rate you were walking.

You felt a hand on your shoulder, and startled, you cursed in Bothese. Only to see, once you spun to see the owner of the hand, was none other than your co-worker, Kylo Ren.

"Allow me," he nods, his hand moving to the sabre at his side.

Your eyes widen, and at once, you place a hand on the hilt before his hand can touch it. Your first thought was of the officers and members of the First Order – needless killing of them simply because you had trouble passing through their congregation would halt the celebrations quite short. Your second thought was for the wounds Kylo Ren held, but then, with reconsideration, you remembered of the Bacta technology the medical bay held. He would be fine, but those caught in the crossfire would not be.

"No," you told him firmly.

Reluctant, he withdrew his hand, and moved past you in the crowd. The people surrounding you noticed him; their glorious and feared Commander, and withdrew from his proximity to allow him to pass through. Seeing your opportunity, you followed in suit.

Before long, you realise that the Sith is leading you straight to the specific training area where you are to meet Captain Phasma. Wondering that he plucked the information from your mind, or perhaps from another member of the First Order privy to your schedule, he turns his helmet's face to you. Though you can't see his eyes, you feel them look straight through you.

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