Chapter 25

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Seth and I quickly ran to the water. I made two giant bubbles and we both stepped inside the bubbles and jumped. We started jumping around in the bubbles. We were both laughing. Seth was the middle of a big jump when his bubble popped. "AQUA!!" He shouted and got all wet. "It wasn't me I swear on the River Styx!" I shouted laughing. He tried to grab my foot but I moved it. "No I'm wearing a dress!" I shouted and he laughed. "Question if you didn't do it then who did?" He asked looking at me from the water.

I lowered my bubble so I was right by Seth and he quickly climbed in. "I don't know." I said. I looked in the distance and saw a huge ripple in the water. "It was my dad." I said in sudden realization. "Oh." was all he said. We laid down and looked at the stars. I showed him the constellations. He smiled at me. "Not only are you beautiful but you're smart too." He kissed my cheek. I smiled. We looked at the stars and then I dozed off.

When I woke up I was still sleepy, but I felt I was in someone's warm arms. I got a random thought about how I miss Sam and the pack. "Seth, I miss Sam and the pack." I mumbled drowsily. "I'm right here baby girl." A familiar voice said. "Tell Jacob I'm sorry I missed patrol and if it was anyone's fault it was Seth." I mumbled. I heard a laugh. "I don't think he'll listen to me anymore babygirl." Sam said. Wait Sam?! I jumped up and out of his arms. "Sam-wha-I- Where's Seth?" I asked. "I think patrol for Jacob. He saw I was here and asked if I could take you to my house so you could get some sleep." Sam explained.

"I need to get back to the Cullens! I can't stay here. Goodbye Sam tell the pack I said hi." I said panicked and ran off. I made it to the Cullens house and as soon as I stepped in the house I was bombed with questions. "I'll tell you guys tomorrow I'm tired." I walked to the couch and laid down. I feel asleep. A while later I felt someone putting a blanket over me. I was kissed on the forehead. "Sweet dreams." I knew it was Seth. And I fell back asleep.

*The Next Day
"How can she sleep that long?" "She's been sleeping for hours I want to know what happened on their date." "Be quiet I'm trying to sleep here." I mumbled. I heard laughter all around me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "What time is it?" I asked. "9:00. Now go change then we're discussing every detail of the date." Alice said. I groaned. "Just ask Seth." I whined. "I did he didn't give me enough detail." I rolled my eyes, but had a smile on my face remembering the date.

I walked upstairs and put on an old t-shirt and a pair of jeans and I walked back downstairs. I saw Seth on the couch and I sat next to him. He put his arm around me. I gave him a sleepy smile and put my head on his chest. "How are you still tired?" He asked me. "I don't know." I said. "Okay now I want every single detail of the date." Alice said excitedly. I explained the date to her and answered her questions.

"So where are Bella and Edward?" I asked. "Their making babies!" Emmett shouted. "Eww! My virgin ears!" I shouted and he laughed. I heard the door open. Seth and I got up and walked into the kitchen. I saw Jacob eating a sandwich and looking out the window at Renesmee and Rosalie. Bella and Edward walked in. "Wow done already?" Emmett asked surprised. "Where's Renesmee?" Bella asked looking around the room. "Blondie stole her." Jacob said and Bella and Edward smiled.

"Break a lot of stuff?" Emmett asked. I gagged. "Emmett. No." Bella whispered and we all laughed. The phone rang. "Is that Charlie?" Bella asked. "He's been calling twice a day." Edward said. "He's in pretty rough shape." Jacob said. "Actually we'll have to tell him you didn't make it." Carlisle said sadly. "He needs to mourn Bella." Edward said. Jacob nodded agreeing with him. "Okay we'll do it tomorrow." Bella said. "I'm gonna miss this place." Emmett said throwing down his newspaper .

"We'll come back we always do." Carlisle said, nonchalant. "Wait. No one said anything about leaving." Jacob exclaimed starting to panic. "Once people believe Bella's dead we can't risk anyone seeing her." Carlisle tried to explained. "So you just disappear?" I whispered to everyone. I did not leave Sam's pack to protect the Cullens and they just disappear. "Jacob, Aqua we don't have another choice." Edward said. Jacob walked outside and got on his motorcycle and left the Cullen's house.

*30 Minutes Later
I heard Jacob's motorcycle pull up back up. He walked up to Edward and Bella and they started talking. "I solved a problem! You were leaving!" Jacob suddenly shouted. "You don't realize the danger you put him in! The Volturi will kill anyone who knows about us!" Bella exclaimed stepping closer to Jacob. "I didn't tell him about you. Just me. I just told him you were different." Jacob said. "That we have a niece that we adopted." Edward said.

"I mean seriously Jake he's not just going to let that go." Bella said. "Did you consider the physical pain you'll put Bella through? It would be like sticking a white hot branding iron down her throat! And that's assuming she could control her thirst!" Edward started shouting at Jacob. "Charlie's been through hell. I know you'll be so much happier with him in your life."

"Jacob don't try to pretend you doing this for anybody but yourself." Edward said. "I'm sorry you feel that way. Because he'll be here in 10 minutes." Jacob said. "What?!" Bella asked getting angry and glaring at him.

They started to give Bella tips on how to look and act human. Charlie's car pulled up. Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Rosalie, Seth, and I left the room so they could talk when Charlie walked in. I dragged Seth to the door and answered it. "Hello Charlie." I said. He saw our hands interlaced.

"Are you two dating now?" Charlie asked. I nodded. "It's a long story." I told him. "Where's Bella?" He asked getting straight to the point. We led him to Bella and Jacob met us at the top of the stairs. "Hey dad." Bella said sitting unnaturally on the couch. "Are you okay?" Charlie asked awkwardly. "Never better. Things are worse." Bella said. "You don't turn into an animal to do you?" I laughed. "She wishes she was that awesome." Jacob said patting Charlie's shoulder. "Let's give these two some privacy." Edward said. Seth and I walked outside.

"So how do you think that's going to go?" I asked referring to to Bella and Charlie. Seth just shrugged. "I don't know." We just walked around the woods for while. We came back when Charlie was leaving. "Bye Charlie take care." I said. "Bye Aqua tell Sam I said hello." He said driving off. I frowned. "Will do." I whispered. Seth knew that hit a nerve and held me closer. "Well done Bella. I never seen a newborn show that much strength." Jasper said.

"Not sure she is a newborn. She's so.... tamed." Emmett said. "Emmett don't antagonize her she's the strongest one in the house." Edward said. Emmett just cracked his knuckles and scoffed. "Please."

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