Chapter 28

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"We have them on the run now is the time to attack!" The blonde Russian said. "Not today." Carlisle said looking at both of the vampires. "YOU'RE ALL FOOLS! The Volturi may be gone, but they will never forget what happened here." The other Russian vampire exclaimed. They looked at each other and both ran off in the direction of the Volturi. Everyone started kissing and hugging, glad that everything was over. I hugged Seth. "I love you Seth forever and ever." I said. He had a goofy smile on his handsome wolfy face. I laughed and smiled at him. I let go of Seth then walked up to the demigods. "Bring it in." I said holding my arms out smiling.

We all grouped hugged. "Thank you guys so much for everything. You really helped out me and my family. I am forever in your debt." When we broke apart Nico started speaking. "I have to bring all these kids back to camp. I'll see you later Aqua." I hugged him. "Bye. Be safe." They all grabbed hands and shadow traveled away. I smiled and Sam walked up to me. "I love you Sam." I said looking at him. He licked me. "Gross. Why do you guys keep doing that?" I asked but still smiling.

Then I was surrounded by wolves. "Oh no." I exclaimed knowing exactly what was coming. Then I was attacked in licks by the pack. I started laughing. "Stop! Guys this isn't funny! Okay! Paul I'm sorry I took your wallet!" I said. Paul looked up confused. "Forget what I said." I said. I was finally able to escape. "Ben can you dose me in water?" I asked. Ben dosed me in water and I smiled. "Now who wants a hug?" I asked. Everyone backed away. "Come on Rose, bring it in." I said looking at Rosalie holding out my arms. "No you smell worse then a wet dog." Rosalie said disgusted. I turned around and saw Jasper.

I quickly tackled Jasper in a bear hug. "Eww get off of me." Jasper said. He tried to push me off of him but I wouldn't budge. "Never for I am made of steel." I said. "Alice a little help?" Jasper pleaded looking at Alice. Alice smiled and shook her head. "Sorry you're all on your own." Alice put her hands up in surrender. Jasper just groaned. "Okay okay." I jumped off of him and dried myself. I then made a big snowball and threw it at Edward whose back was facing me. When he turned around I looked away. "Okay who threw that?" Edward asked looking at everyone. I looked back and saw everyone was pointing at me.

"What? What did I do?" I tried to play it off and act innocent. Edward threw a snowball at me but I dodged it. Needless to say we all had a big snowball fight. When we got home we all said goodbye to everyone. I was currently saying goodbye to Ben and his coven. "It was nice to meet you guys I hope we see each other again." I said. "If you're ever in Egypt you're welcome to stay at our place." Ben offered. I smiled and hugged him and his wife Tia. "I might have to take you up on that offer."

I shook Amun's and his wife hand. "Bye." I said. And just like that they were gone. I saw Jacob talking to Edward. I heard Jacob say, "So should I start calling you dad?" Jacob asked. "No." Edward said seriously. I laughed at them. I saw Alice smiling at me, she probably had a vision. Weird. I looked in the woods and saw Seth. I motioned him over to me. He walked up to me with his hands behind his back. "I got you something." Seth said. I looked at him confused. "What?" I asked. Seth brought his hands out from behind his back to revel a stuffed wolf, just like the one the newborns took from me. I smiled and took it.

"Oh my gosh Seth it looks the exact as the other one! Thank you." I said and hugged him. "I told you I would get you one and I keep my promises." Seth said and kissed my nose. I scrunched up my nose. He laughed. "You look so cute when you do that." I smiled. "I love you Seth." I said he smiled and we kissed.

I turned around and saw Jacob smiling at us. I smiled at him. Seth and I started walking to Sam's hand in hand. "So this is really all over?" I asked Seth not believing that we could finally live in peace. "Yeah kinda hard to believe huh?" Seth asked and I nodded. "Well at least I could finally live out my days with the person I love most right by my side. We can finally be happy and live out our own little piece of forever."

*Sorry that chapter was short but I felt like this would be a good ending for the story. Thank you guys so much for reading this story and I hope you enjoyed it. Peace out ✌*

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