Chapter 7

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I woke up to an annoying beeping sound. "Shh she'll wake up in 10 seconds.......5...4...3...2...1." I heard Alice say. I opened my eyes. I looked around and saw I was in the Cullens house but in a hospital like room. The first thing I saw was Carlisle. "Hello Aqua how are you feeling?" He asked.

"A little sore on my arm but I'm alright, just tired I guess." I said sleepily. "That's good. Aqua do you remember what happened?" He asked me. I thought for a moment then everything came flooding back. 
"There was a guy... he grabbed me. H-he said he was a... Vampire. He bit me. Jasper came and he saved me." I explained.

Carlisle sighed. "What the guy said was true he was a vampire. Vampires do exist we know because we're vampires ourselves." Carlisle said. 
I scooted back to the end of the bed. My heart rate shot up. "Get away from me." I said. "No! No calm down we're vegetarians we only drink animal blood that's why our eyes are gold not red like most vampires." I sighed and calmed down. I laid back in the bed. "How long was I out?" I asked Carlisle. "About a week." "Sam! Does he know what happened? When can I go home?" I asked.

"Um... well everything looks good so you can leave now if you want. But keep that gauze on your wrist. If you need anything else just call." He explained. I nodded and I got out of bed. I looked down and saw I was in different clothes they were cute though but the gauze was ruining the look. "Who changed me?" I asked hoping it wasn't like Emmett or Edward. "Alice." Carlisle said. I nodded. "Bye Carlisle. Thank you for everything." I said. "No problem." He said. I walked out of the house not knowing were everyone was.

I made it to the creek. I didn't want to climb down so I made a water bridge like Percy taught me. I walked across and made the water go back into creek. I walked straight and soon arrived at Sam's house. I walked straight into the house without knocking. Hey it's my house too. As soon as I did I was attacked by 8 strong hugs.

That's more people than usual hanging around our house. I saw Quil, Leah, and Seth. "Oh my God! When did you guys get here?!" I exclaimed and pulled those three in a hug. "We finally made the pack." Seth said with a smile on his face. I looked at him and smiled. "I'm glad I can have my best friend back." I told him. He smiled even more.

"Where have you been?" Sam asked. I looked over at him. "Something came up at the Cullens. I'm sorry I forgot to call." I said and walked over to him. "Do you have any idea how worried we were. I was about to call the S.W.A.T. team." Sam exclaimed. "I'm sorry." I said and he just hugged me. "I just don't want to lose you again." Sam hugged me tighter. "You'll never lose me Sammy." I said and he pulled away. "Are you hungry? Did they feed you? You look like you haven't eaten in the week you were gone." He said quickly. "I'm starved." Sam just chuckled. "There's some mac and cheese in the fridge. Emily's cooking but it won't be done until later." I smiled mac and cheese was my favorite. 

I started walking to the kitchen but Paul stopped me. "What happened to your wrist?" He asked everyone looked at me. I quickly hid it behind my back. "Nothing. I just fell and cut it." I lied, to be honest I'm a terrible liar. Somebody grabbed my wrist from behind and I winced. I looked and saw Jacob had my wrist. He started unwrapping my gauze. "No! Stop! Please!" I said and tried to pull away. "Jacob Ephraim Black let go of my wrist now! Sam!" I said before Sam could do anything Jacob had my wrist unwrapped. He instantly saw my scar that was left behind from the vampire.

He growled, "She was bit by a leech!" Jacob screamed and started shaking. "Let me go, Jacob you're hurting me!" I exclaimed. "Jacob let go!" Sam said. Jacob exploded, literally into his wolf. I felt claws dig into my skin from my right cheek to the left side of my waist. I screamed. "Call Carlisle!" I heard Sam scream. "Sam? Sam? Where are you?" I asked. "I'm right here Aqua. I'm right here." He said and held my hand. "I love you Sam." I said.

"No! No! Aqua keep your eyes open!" Sam yelled. "I'm so tired." I said. "I know. I know. But please try." He said. I felt a tear fall on my face. I looked and saw Sam crying. "I'll try Sam. I'm trying to be strong." I said. "You're the strongest person I ever met Aqua don't forget that." He said. I smiled weakly. "I need you to know I always loved you that's why I ran away because when mom said we had different dads I thought you wouldn't love me anymore. I need you Sam I want you there right by my side forever." I said.

"I would never stop loving you having different dads made me closer to you." He said. I felt a cold hand touch my forehead. I flinched from the sudden cold. "She's losing blood! Edward run her to the house!" Edward ran over to me and picked me up. "Sam." I whispered. I saw a pitch black wolf running right beside us. "Yes!" I heard Edward shouted. Edward and the wolf jumped over the river.

We were suddenly at the Cullens house again. "Sam?! Sam?! Where are you I need you!!" I screamed. I was on the hospital bed again. I heard yelling downstairs. "Let me see her!" I heard Sam say. "Stay here I need space if you want me to do this right." Carlisle said. "What is your blood type?" Carlisle asked me. "O-" I said. "That's very rare but I can substitute it for O+." Carlisle said.

"Okay." I said. He gave me an IV with a blood bag thing attached to it. I hear crashing nosies downstairs. "Jasper calm down! You don't want to hurt her!" Edward said. "Carlisle it hurts." I said. "I know. I'm giving you painkillers but it might make you drowsy." He said. "Do what ever it takes, but can you send Sam here?" I asked. He nodded. "Okay. But I have to wrap your cuts up."  He said. After he did that he went downstairs. 

*Sam's P.O.V
The doctor leech walked back downstairs. "Well she doesn't need surgery like I originally thought, but she did need a blood transfusion I got that covered. She will be fine but she will have permanent scars." He said. "Anything else?" I asked. "She's asking for you." He said. I ran upstairs. I looked in her room and saw her all wrapped up. I felt tears running down my face. She's all I have left. 

Mom died, my jerk of a dad left us and she was my only sibling. I walked over to her bed and held her hand. "Sam?" She asked. "I'm right here baby girl." I said. She smiled weakly. "Am I going to be okay?" She asked. "Yeah. You'll be just fine." I said. "I'm tired." She said. "It's okay baby girl you can go to sleep now. It's alright." She closed her eyes. "Sam?! Where are you?!" I heard Paul yell. 

I walked downstairs. I saw​ the whole pack there. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked. "We came to see Aqua. Jacob is kicking himself for hurting Aqua. I think he's somewhere in Canada." Embry said.

"It's not his fault." I said. I knew exactly what Jacob was feeling. I'm still kicking myself for hurting Emily. "How bad is it?" Seth asked. I sighed still crying a little bit I put my head in my hands. "She's scarred from her right cheek to her left waist. And she needed a blood transfusion." I said. 

"Can we see her?" Paul asked. I shook my head. "She fell asleep." I said. "Well Carlisle can we crash here till she gets better?" Seth asked. The doc smiled. "Of course." "What?! I have to live on a house infected by dogs?" The blonde girl leech asked. We growled.

"Rosalie, Aqua is their sister and friend they are welcomed and be nice." Carlisle said. She stormed upstairs. "You're lucky I like her." We heard he mumbled. The pack all high-fived each other.

Young Love (Twilight and Percy Jackson Crossover)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora