26. The New Alexander and Xerxes Unite

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When I arrived at my cell, I was greeted by the sight of someone new. A tall young man, about 25, with long flowing black hair and a muscular body. He wore the standard cult outfit, and his skin was a light tan, his eyes a piercing blue. Rin stepped in behind me, and seemed surprised, taking in the sight of the newcomer.


Our cellmate, apparently. Why the hell not?

"Hello!" Rin exclaimed, "Welcome to our church!"

His words almost made me want to cry. Not two days ago, Rin was on my side. Against Father. Wanting to take him down.

He had completely changed.

Xerxes' face took on a nasty scowl. "I won't stand for any of this."

His voice was strong, commanding. It held a small trace of some sort of accent, watered down by years in America.

The fact that someone else was here, someone new and without Father's influence, that hated him as much as I did...it gave me a lot of hope. It made me feel strong. It was like I was meeting Rin for the first time again. Or like I was with Rory, happy and confident.

"Good," I said. "Stay that way."

Rin shot me an incredulous look.

"Oh, he'll warm up!" He said. "Actually...well, Father will explain it..."

"Rin," I growled. "Shut the fuck up. Xerxes....we have a lot to talk about."

I took a seat on the cold floor and beckoned to him.


"So, according to this Father guy, we're the reincarnations of some kings, and he wants to absorb us? And he's a god...and these are all his children?"

I sighed. "Supposedly. But I don't believe it. I just think he's a monster. He's brainwashing these guys...through fear and power...he's making them believe he's some kind of great being."


"Yes. He can move things with his mind. He can see things from miles away. He can withstand pain most people can't. But don't let him fool you. I know he's powerful, but I also know he can't be a god."

Xerxes' face was hard as stone as he contemplated what I said. "And how did he find all these certain people?"

"It's..." I paused, thinking of how to explain. "It's a long story. I'll explain later. But now that you're here, I think Father's going to try to start doing even more crazy shit..."

Being locked in here with Father and the cult, I had seen enough "crazy shit" to last a lifetime. But now that Xerxes was here, Father was nearing what he saw as the end of his plans. I didn't know what to expect.

I took a deep breath. "In all honesty....I don't know if Father is a god. I don't know if all this 'New Alexander and Xerxes' shit is for real. I just...I guess I just don't want to believe it. But I do know that Father doesn't give a fuck about anyone but himself. He's killed innocent people, and he will kill more. God or not, real or fake, we have to do something to save innocent people."

Xerxes put his head in his hands and let out a sigh.

"Look..." I said. "I know this is a lot. I slowly figured all this out in time, but it all just came tumbling down on you. I'm sorry this had to happen to you. Real shit, I'm sorry."

And I meant it. I meant every word. Xerxes didn't deserve this.

"Well, I was just ripped away from my life and dumped into this fucking insane ass cult. Not much sorry can do," he said, and it was the plain and simple truth. "It's just so fucking bizarre...I don't even live around this part of the country. I just...like, started to feel compelled to come here. It was some weird shit. Then I met that fucking kid, and....here I am."

I eyed him curiously.

"You felt like something other than you was controlling you?"

He nodded.

"That was Father. He's like a fucking magnet."

Xerxes didn't say anything for a minute. His face still held the same expression, like he didn't know what to think or how to feel. "So.... All these people here, brainwashed?"

"Yeah," I answered. "I don't know any of them...but I don't think any of them are how they used to be. From what I can see, Father makes them weak, emotionally unstable, illogical, and easy to control."

Xerxes laughed humorlessly. "I won't become that. I won't, I won't, I fucking won't."

"Me neither. That's why I've been trying my best to not believe this shit."

I smiled. For the first time in ages, a real, genuine smile.

"This is good. Seriously. Thank fuck. I've been so fucking scared. Alone. But...maybe it will be ok. Just don't change, and we'll fight this."

From the corner, Rin, who had kept quite up to this point, gasped. "It isn't good! It sucks... Oh well, you'll both be gone in a few days anyway."

We both ignored him. Xerxes looked back at me with confidence.

"Yeah," he said, pointing at Rin. "That'll never be me. I promise."

I nodded.

And just like that, the new Xerxes became my new Rin.

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