11. Failed Attempt

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I burst through the hall, a trail of white powder exploding behind me as I ran. My eyes burned forward, concentrating only on the end of the devastatingly long hallway. I didn't dare look back, but I could feel the pounding of feet rushing after me. I could hear her pants, her screams.

"Ricky! Get back here right now!"

She yelled it with such an insane fervor, screaming for all she was worth, like a mental patient in an asylum. She yelled it like her life depended on it, like it would end the second she gave up.

I felt the pounding of her feet get louder. Damn, she was fast.

But there was no way in hell I would let anyone catch me. I urged my legs to move even faster, I was beyond a sprint.

As I ran, my mind shifted back to the conversation with 'father'. To the things he had said. Special recruit. He wanted me, for this...this cult. What else could it have been? He wanted me, I was special to him. I was special to the father of a cult.

That lying bitch...

'Oh, it's just a little visitor's night at my church! It'll be fun!'

My body quickly became a prisoner to the rage boiling inside of me. I just didn't get it. I didn't get how anyone could do something so sinister to another human being. Especially someone so beautiful. I wouldn't hold it back. I didn't want to hold it back. She needed to know.

I turned around, and there she was. Just a little girl. Nothing but an insane little girl. A powerless little girl hidden under a mask of madness, a mere three feet away from me. I let out an agonized scream and launched myself on top of her, pounding her head against the ground with all the strength I could muster, over and over. She struggled violently, trying her very best to just be able to sit up, but the raw anger I possessed had no intent of allowing that to happen.

Hoarse screams erupted from her wide open mouth as a wound formed on the back of her skull, the dark crimson blood forming a paste with the white powder. My knees bore down on her stomach, making her breaths and screams become shorter and shorter. She tried to pry me off with her hands, but she was just not strong enough.

I punched her in the face, hard. The powder, now stained blood red, filled the air.


From the other end of the hallway, yards and yards away from where I was, shouts broke out. I snapped my head up. Two massive black men were heading straight forward. They held wicked blades in their hands, blades that twisted and curved in ways I would have never imagined. Their clothes were the same as everyone else's, that boring, lifeless style, but instead colored the same crimson color that now took over the floor below me.

I got up as quickly as I could and continued running, leaving Catherine whimpering in the floor. As I made it closer to the end of the hall and towards freedom, I remembered the members that had occupied that room just beyond the entrance. If I was able to out run these guard guys, would they still stop me from getting to that front door?

I turned the corner at the end of the hall, and there they were. Still standing in that perfectly still circle. My determination reached a peak when I saw the door, and Rory's car parked outside.

I was ten feet away. Then five. Then my hand was on the knob.

Then I collapsed, the last thing I saw before sleep took over a long, thin needle sticking out of my arm.


I woke up in a small, dark room. A cell. A cell without windows, a cell with only the smallest traces of light. Confusion racked my mind as I tried to remember.

And I did.

I remembered the white outfits, I remembered the father, I remembered the attempt. I remembered it all.

Why did I let it happen? Of all times for my anger to take me hostage, why did it have to be now? If I hadn't attacked Catherine, I would have made it. I wouldn't have been caught. I really would have made it.

I was such a fool. So intelligent, they all say. All my teachers. Rory. Hell, even I used to think it. But I just couldn't right now. Does someone truly intelligent let go of the only opportunity? I was disgusted with myself.

I was disgusted with her, too. I didn't know if I would ever trust anybody ever again.

But most of all, I was disgusted with the question. That one question that ate at my mind, that wouldn't leave me alone, that one question that brought a thousand others with it:

What's going to happen to me now?

What's going to happen? What's going to happen when I don't return in Rory's car tonight? Will they freak and and send a search party? What will happen with my mom, will she even care? Will she care that I might be gone? Am I really gone, will they kill me? Will they punish me for trying to escape, or will the force me to join?

I don't know.

I just don't know. I can't know. And for the first time in a long time, I'm not curious.


Thanks for reading. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and comment.

-Mitchell Hisaki

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