18. Great Elimination

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The bitch hit the ground, hard.

"How could you?!"

"That was Catherine! Catherine is so nice! Nicer than you'll ever be, you jerk!"

"Catherine just got out of recovery! Why would you do that?"

The comments were flying at me, and they enraged me. I was using all the strength I had in my body to not go completely berserk and attack everyone in the hallway. Catherine didn't deserve to be felt sorry for. Catherine didn't deserve worry from anyone. The bitch deserved absolutely nothing.

I pinched my nose and took a deep breath.

I looked back to the crowd that was forming around me. A few people were starting to walk towards me, with extremely pissed off looks written across their faces. I returned them with a look a thousand times more vicious, daring them to do anything to me at all. They kept coming, and the guards continued doing nothing.

I stepped on Catherine's fingers as hard as I could, with all the strength I could muster. The bottom of my white shoes crushed into her joints, creating a sharp snaping sound. They were just simple sandals, but the sole was made of a tough enough material to cause pain.  I knelt back on top of her and dug my dirty, unwashed for days or months or years or millennia hands into her mouth and lifted her head up by her teeth, proceedings to smash it onto the floor. I didn't use all my strength, though. Despite all she had put me through, all the torment she had forced me to see, there was a part of me that didn't feel right about possibly killing her. I knew my strength. I didn't look like much, but I could do a lot of damage. Especially when I'm angry. If I wanted to, I had no doubt I could bring her to death or close to it. But that one little part of my conscious held me back from what the rest of me so desperately wanted. She's why I was here. I wanted her in pain. I wanted her to bleed. I wanted her heart to fail. I wanted her to drop dead. But I just couldn't make that happen.

I heard loud cries of both sadness and terror from about half of the crowd as they backed away. For the other half, it was different.

They kept walked towards me, then they abruptly stopped. They launched their hands up into the air, then started walking backwards. But it wasn't a normal walk, it was more like a march. It was almost like they were being controlled by puppet strings. Their faces contorted in a look of both shock and confusion.

Then it just went back to normal. The crying, cowering cult members stopped shrieking annoyingly and returned to being completely calm. The others looked as if nothing had happened. The only thing that didn't change was the bitch. She stayed bleeding on the floor.

The guards nodded curtly at each other then walked forward, beckoning for us to follow them.


Father was waiting patiently in the worship room. He was sitting in his stupid ass thrown stroking his stupid ass chin. He greeted us in the language, and I had no clue what he said. But I didn't really care.

When we were all crowded around him, he continued in English laced with his thick accent.

"Much progress has been made, my children. I believe it is time I truly begin my conquest, with you all alongside me," Father smiled wider than I'd ever seen anyone smile in my whole life. It was a smile full of hope and ambition laced with torture and destruction. It was a smile I never wanted to see again.

After he said this the entire worship hall, save Rin and I, burst into applause. Shouts of praise and excitement erupted from the brainwashed audience.

"Yes, yes," Father nodded. "But before we begin, I must tell you: the process will the slow. We must start small. Within in the city. Here's what we're going to do. I'll be taking groups of five to ten into the city each day."

Someone gasped. "We're leaving our heaven? But it's dangerous out there!"

Father sent him a sad smile. "I know you're worried, Andre. But my power will protect you. I believe I'm strong enough."

Another member smiled. "We've been waiting for this for years. And now it's here."

"The extinction of those with foul blood," another uttered happily, shaking his head as if in awe. The perfect race for the perfect world Father will create."

"Just picture it," Father said. "No violence. No racism. Everyone's equal. No hate, only love. Because all will be one through me! We'll have that, soon enough. Soon enough. But as I was saying, we'll take small groups into the city each night, starting tomorrow evening, to begin the Great Elimination. Until then, get some rest. I'll announce who's going in the morning. Good night, my children."


Me and Rin were locked in deep conversation.

"But 'Great Elimination'? Perfect Race for a perfect world? You know what that sounds like, Rin. I know you know. Nazi shit. This dude is the second coming of Hitler."

"I'm starting to think you're right," Rin said in a troubled voice. "I mean, the way he calls them children like they're his own. The way he forces us to worship him. I think he really believes that he's a god."

I nodded. "But maybe something positive could come from this. He said he's taking groups into the city to do god knows what. But that doesn't matter. This could be our chance to get away."

"But he'll bring his guards. He knows what he's doing, I'm sure. He's insane, yes, but I don't think he's dumb. He probably has everything planned out to the milisecond. Why do you think he's bringing us in small groups? So we'll be easily controlled."

I knew Rin was right, but I found myself not really caring. I found myself hopeful. He was taking groups into the city. Their were a multitude of opportunities to expose him. In the city, there was a lot more space to work with. I'm the city, there were police. And if we didn't expose him...We'd have to find out another way. All I know is that this man is insane, and I can't let him continue killing innocent people. Either he has to know he isn't god,  or he has to die. I was still scared to death of what he and his guards could do to me or any of the poor brainwashed souls here. But I'd have to try to get over that. I'm done with this place. I'm done with Father. I need to put him In his place.

I want so badly to fight him. Destroy both Father and his guards. I'm smart. I'm strong. But that only thing that stood in the way of me preventing Father from hurting anyone else was that I'm not brave.

I'd have to learn to be. And fast.

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