Less than two hours later the concert was over and I ran backstage because, as soon as the boys said goodbye, the fans started to leave the place and it was always a mess, kind of a routine of the shows.

On my way to the dressing room I was saying hello to almost everybody, you know, two years of following Louis everywhere let me know many people. When I got there I found the musicians, the stylists and some other people who worked in the shows resting on the couches, looking so tired.

"Hi, El! How was the show?" Josh asked me smiling.

"Awesome! But you already know that, didn't you hear the screams?"

"Yeah, the fans were loud tonight, I barely heard the boys singing." He laughed.

"You were great, as always".

In that exact moment I received a message from my mum so I sat down in a couch in the corner and read it. She wanted to know how I was and wanted me to say hi to the boys. While I was texting her back I heard some voices coming through the corridor. I quickly sent the message and saw five incredible sweaty boys entering the room. They were laughing and retelling what had just happened minutes ago. Those were the moments when you got to know why they were so successful, because their personalities just matched perfectly.

They joined the rest of the musicians but all I had eyes for was the boy still standing on the door. That man from Doncaster who had stolen my heart long ago. Harry was the first one who saw me sitting there, so he winked at me and turned to Louis who looked nervous.

"Hey man, did you lose anything?" Harry asked him laughing.

"Actually, I did. I lost my girlfriend." Louis said looking worriedly through the corridor.

Everybody laughed at what he said, including me. Niall made a sign for me not to move from where I was and I obeyed. Louis did not move from the door and he took out his cell phone and we all knew who he was calling. Seconds later the phone in my hand started ringing and everybody laughed again, louder this time.

"I guess you found me, Tomlinson" I said standing up and walking towards him laughing as well.

The rest went back to their conversations and Louis finally entered the room, walking straight to me. When he got to my side, he gently held my hand and looked me in the eyes.

"I love your game of you hiding from me, the problem is I never find you," he laughed, "but my friends do, that helps."

"Don't worry, I am always ready to appear for you."

He grabbed my face and kissed me softly on my lips. The seconds it lasted made my day. I broke our kiss, blushing, but he did not let my hand go.

"Hey guys! If you finished over there, come here, we're discussing what to do next Friday." Zayn shouted at us smiling.

We went to sit with them and joined the conversation. Liam explained next Friday there would be a party after the last concert of the tour to celebrate their success.

"Ok, now we're all here, let's decide the place." Liam said.

"I think we should talk about the food first." Niall, of course.

"Shut up dude, you'll be on charge of that if you want."

"Excellent, you know how to make me happy Payne!"

The talking lasted like an hour and we agreed that the best place would be a hotel where several of their parties had taken place before. The guests list was huge: friends, family, musicians, actors, girlfriends and the personnel.

"Great, now one last thing. What about the press?" Harry asked.

"We accepted the idea of them coming because it would be a contribution to charity, but, just because of that." Zayn explained and I noticed he quickly looked at me, as if he wanted to apologize for organizing it, even though he had nothing to apologize for.

I was obviously not entirely comfortable with the idea of having reporters around me all night. Out of all the One Direction girlfriends I was, for sure, the most shy as the others were accustomed to deal with press by now, but I did not complain. The meeting finished and we spread all over the place. The guys needed to relax and we had to wait for the stadium to empty so we could leave.

Louis stood up and asked me to follow him to an empty room so we could talk in private. We sat in front of each other and he held my hand again.

"I know it was a surprise for you to hear about the party and the press, I'd forgotten to tell you before. I'm really sorry, babe."

"It's ok, you don't have to worry for me, I'll be fine." I lied the best I could.

"I don't want you to be uncomfortable there."

"I won't, as long as I'm with you, your family or Perrie." I said trying to sound confident and relaxed.

We kept talking about it for a while and then I managed to change the topic but, unfortunately, he began to talk about the concert.

"How was the crowd?" He asked me, knowing that I may have received some offensive comments.

"It was fine, I even took some pics and-"


"Nothing, some signs, it doesn't matter." I said looking down trying to hide me face.

"I'm sorry El, really." Louis whispered in my ear, leaning closer to me.

"It's not your fault, don't worry."

He got up, lifting me up with him, grabbed me by the waist and kissed me. I crossed my arms around his neck and immediately felt safer.

"We should head back, they must be missing you." I giggled.

"Missing us" – He corrected me – "they are glad you're here with us."

"And I'm glad too". I smiled and led the way back.

When we reached the door I stopped, turned my face to his and then I kissed him one last time. He kissed me back, hugging me stronger this time, and I could notice he was smiling. We split and when I opened my eyes I saw his shinning eyes staring at me.

"Are you sure you're fine, love?" Louis asked me unsure.

"I'm perfect" and we left the room.

It was a big lie but I did not want to mess up the coming party. He and the guys deserved to have a wonderful time with their beloved people, not spending it worrying about me the entire night. I convinced myself to try not to let the press ruin that night for me, but to be honest, I was terrified.  


Hi! As I've said before, I'm rewriting this story. I'm going to keep the essence of each chapter but trying to write them better. I hope you like it! 

Please, vote and comment! 

Love, Agus

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