Part 25

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Ava's POV

"lizzie, you watch the girls" Carol says picking up the water bucket. I think that's a horrible idea. I know about her feeding the rats to the walkers at the prison. She talks to herself about those kind of things all the time. I Don't trust her with them at all but things need to get done. "okay." she says cheerfully.

I don't get how carol can trust her after the walker in the yard incident. Lizzie has mental issues. Big time. I load my rifle walking towards the woods. Not particularly my strong skill but somebody has to hunt for our food.


I drag the deer I shot into the clearing of our cabin. A very thin one at that. I didn't expect to be able to drag it back, being pregnant and all. I set it down looking for Tyreese or Carol. Lizzie stands staring off into the distance covered in blood. I sprint to where she is and the first thing I see is Mika wit her stomach and chest sliced open. "What did you fucking do?" I scream in tears. Carol and Tyreese pull me away from her seeing as I was about to fucking kick her ass. "get Judith!" I scream. Tyreese hands Judith to me. "i'll take care of this." I mumble handing the baby to carol.

"Lizzie, come with me." she nods following me. "your mad aren't you." she says as we stand in the middle of the field. she starts crying. "lizzie look... Why did you do that?" I ask softly. "So she can be different. She will change and then she can change me too." she says smiling. "honey you cant do that." I say my voice cracking. "Don't tell what to do!!" she yells stabbing me in the chest with her knife.

I fall to the ground. "great now you will change too." she says happily. "Look at the flowers lizzie." Carol says in tears. Lizzie does as she's told. My consciousness starts to fade but I hear the sound of carols gun and then the drop off lizzies dead body. I let the dark start to take over.

"Ava please stay awake." Tyreese says urgently. "tell rick.... tell him I tried my hardest to make it back to him." I say quietly. "I will." Tyreese answers me with a sad filled voice.


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