Part 14

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The Governor's POV

Ava sits down across from me and places a napkin on her lap. She looks up from smoothing it out and our eyes lock.Her eyes show how much sadness she has.

Once we make our attack on the prison she will know their dead and she'll get over Rick. She'll want me.

She adverts her gaze down to her food and starts to eat. I smile kindly and take a bite of my food.


I hand her a glass of wine and she takes it hesitantly. "never drink wine before?" I question. she shakes her head smiling. she takes a small sip from her glass. Her face scrunches in disgust. "ewwww." she laughs.

"It's not that bad!" I say laughing. I take a long drink from my glass and Finish my wine. she shrugs. And chugs hers down. "wow, thirsty much?" I ask. she chuckles.

"No I just thought I'd finish it quickly." she replies. I nod and stand up. She stands up.

"Thank you for dinner." she says quietly. I smile. "thanks for keeping me company." I say taking a step closer to her. My eyes lock onto hers. I take and place my hands on both sides of her face.

Her eyes flicker with fear, sadness and lust. If only I could read her thoughts.


Ava's POV

His eyes are lust filled and his gaze keeps switching from my eyes to my lips.

I desperately want to run but I know better than to do so. He leans in closer to my face and I freeze. I can feel his breath on my lips.

My breath hitches, he leans in closer and our lips are almost touching.

"Governor?" Milton interrupts walking in. I step back and turn to face Milton. "Intruders have made it in." he says urgently.

My eyes widen in fear. "Send Martinez to take car of them." he says gruffly. Milton nods and leaves. The Governor grabs my face once again and smashes his lips onto mine briefly.

He lets go and runs outside. "What just happened?" I whisper to myself.


I make my way to the center of this chaos. What I see is quite frightening. Daryl and Merle fighting. The Governor says something but I can't hear it.

I'm filled with rage and happiness at the same time. "Daryl!!" I scream running to where they are fighting. Martinez has walkers surrounding them.


Ricks POV

"Traitor!" Martinez yells to the governor. "I'm so confused.. Ava? I thought she was dead?" Maggie says.

"What?" I ask looking at the sight in front of us. Sure enough Ava comes bolting through the crowd shooting down walkers that are trying to take down Daryl and Merle.

Martinez grabs her arm. She turns with no emotion what so even and shoots him in the leg. He falls screaming in pain.

She yells something to Merle and Daryl. I throw a smoke grenade and it works sending everyone into a chaos of screams.

Daryl and Merle run to us. "Where's Ava?" I ask urgently. "Tha Governor took er' up in his arms and booked it." Merle says out of breath.

"Dammit!" I curse."we gotta go." Glenn says. I nod and we retreat to the car.

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