Part 15

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Ava's POV

"What do you mean they attacked you ?!?" I screech in The Governors face ."they came in and attacked us, they took 2 of our prisoners and left." he says smugly.

"I can't believe this!" I scoff sitting down as far away from him as possible.

He grabs me by my wrist pulls me into his side. He wraps his arms around me. "I'm sorry." he says in a hoarse voice.

Then it hit me, He was so broken. He lost his wife and daughter. All of his friends. And now he had a town to take care of, he has over 70 people to watch over.

"No, I'm sorry Brian." I say into his chest. I take my hand and rub small soothing circle's into his back.


Rick's POV

"Dad?" Carl asks. I turn my head towards the door of my cell. A defeated looking Carl stands there with tears in his eyes.

He's been more affected by Ava being missing than any of us.

His tears drip onto the floor as he stumbles into my cell. He swings his arms around me and lets it all out. I never realized how bad this is on everyone.

I pat his back lightly. "it's alright, we all miss her." I whisper.

:.:..6 months later.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:

"C'mon!" I yell to Daryl Glenn and Maggie. The Governor had just driven off with the survivors of their attack.


Ava's POV

"Lets go Ava, the gates are destroyed!" Brian yells. "Okay." I yell back. I run into my room and pick up my bag shoving my belongings inside.

I run outside and into the street to find Brian driving off without me. The people of Woodbury are scrambling around.

I take out my rifle and start firing down walkers that have entered the town.

"Tyreese, Sasha get to the gate and shoot down every walker you see." I command handing Sasha my gun. they nod turning in the direction of the gate.

A loud rumble approaches and a bus drives into the town. It stops and the doors open. Rick, Maggie, Glenn and Daryl step out.

"Rick!" I yell running up to him. I run into his arms. "I missed you so much." I cry. he kisses my forehead lightly. "me too ava." he whispers in my ear.

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