Chapter 24

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*5 years later*

What am I missing?

I have that.

Not that.

Dammit, I know I'm missing something.

"Lexi! Are you ready to go yet?" Barry's voice called up the stairs to me.

"Come up here Barry!" I shouted back.

A second later Barry was standing beside me with his hands on his hips.

"What's the crisis?" He asked in such a serious tone I almost lost it.

I decided to play along and pout.

"I'm missing something but can't figure out what it is. Please help me Flash." I cried as I pleaded the speedster.

He slowly turned towards me. It made me bite my lip to keep from laughing. It was one of those moments where you had to see it to understand just how comical that action was.

"I'm not gonna help you with that sarcasm." He spoke with such an attitude I actually did loose it.

I broke and started laughing. I had to clutch my stomach and grab his arm to keep from falling. It took me a few minutes to calm down. Once I did I wiped my eyes and turned back to what I was missing.

"I really am missing something though." I said in concentration.

Barry zipped out of the room for a few seconds then speeded back. He was holding my phone and my toothbrush.

"You're a lifesaver." I smiled and took the items from him.

"You seem a little on edge. Everything alright?" He asked once I zipped up my suit case.

"I'm just nervous. In 5 years we have never taken a trip like this." I answered as we walked down the stairs.

"What do you mean?" He asked with a sideways smirk.

I slapped his shoulder playfully before heading out the front door. Barry locked and closed the door behind us then jogged over to his side to make sure his door was locked. We threw our suitcases in my car then got inside.

"It's a romantic trip Barry. You and Len have taken several romantic weekends but Mick and I have never done that. Mostly because we are both so busy with everything now." I answered Barry's earlier question.

"It's going to be great and you know it! Having a room with a beautiful view of the crystal clear ocean. You two are going to have the time of your lives even if you never leave the room." Barry laughed as I pulled out of the driveway.

The drive to the airport wasn't long maybe a little over an hour. We still had to wait about 2 hours for our flight after we checked in and went threw security.

"They said they would meet us at the airport down there right?" I asked Barry randomly when the thought popped in my head.

"Yea, Len said they were just gonna drop the wave rider there and let Mick and Len off. Traveling is easy and cheap for them." Barry laughed.

"As long as they are there I don't mind how they travel." I chuckled then went back to reading my book.

The flight to the Caribbean was about a 3 or 4 hour trip. I actually slept for most of it while Barry read and watched whatever movie they were showing.

Once we landed Barry and I had the hardest time finding the baggage claim. We laughed the whole way there once we did find it.

With our bags in hand we headed outside the main entrance to find Len and Mick. Surprisingly both of them were already there and standing right outside.

I dropped my bag and ran up to Mick. He opened his arms wide for me as I jumped into them. He held me tightly as he lifted me off the ground. I gave him a sweet lingering kiss pulling away once my feet were returned to the concrete.

"I missed you handsome." I heard Barry's voice faintly.

I turned to look at the cute couple. Len had his arms around Barry's waist and Barry's arms were around Len's neck. After Barry spoke he pulled Len closer for the sweetest kiss I have ever witnessed. Those two truly were made for each other.

"Alright you two" Mick grumbled as he picked up my bag.

They both laughed and released each other. Len had rented a car for the week so we made our way to it. Barry jumped in front with Len while Mick and I slid into the back seat.

The hotel was breath taking. It was multiple shack looking buildings lined along a wooden dock. We walked to the main building off to the side to check in and get our rooms. Our "shacks" were right beside each other with a small wooden bridge connecting them over the water.

"Since you two have been traveling all day we should just relax and meet back up for dinner." Len spoke up as he lazily draped his arm around Barry.

"Sounds good to me." I agreed then pulled Mick with me into our room.

I went straight for the bedroom to change my clothes. Mick sat my case and his down on the bed before taking a seat on the bed himself.

I dug threw my bag until I found the shorts and tank top I was looking for. I changed quickly while Mick moved our cases off the bed. I wasn't really tired but I did really want to relax and cuddle up to Mick.

This is the first time I have seen him in about a month and a half. His work with the legends keeps him and Len away quite a bit. Sometimes it was hard to deal with them being away so much but ever since Barry and I bought our duplex we have kept each other going. In the past 5 years Barry has become one of the most important people in my life. If I didn't have him by my side when Mick was gone I would have already gone crazy.

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